Temple Filler The Liquid Facelift 💁🏻‍♀️Fresh Faces Rx (Discount Coupon Below)

3 months ago

Excited to share my Temple Filler Experience. As I’m getting older; I’m noticing changes in the structure of my face. My cheeks have always been my favorite part. As of lately, my cheeks are popping. But my temples are sinking and my jowls are jowling. To my luck; I was asked to model for temple filler. “Yasss Please!”
I trust FFRX Dream Team they’re very well-versed in aesthetics. Medically educated internal & external on skin + body; with you in mind. I learned so much about my own facial structure. Britney made me feel comfortable; by talking me through the process. I literally didn’t feel anything, but bit pressure at injection site. She has an eye for detail; giving my facial structure a beautiful flow. As with all filler; I left numb and swollen. By dinner I could feel the tension. It was sore to open my mouth wide. All normal things to feel. As you can see; temple filler gave me a refreshed, lifted appearance.
FFRX only highlights the beauty that’s already there. If you're thinking of temple fillers, it's important to visit a skilled, experienced injector to reduce the risk of side effects.
Contact FFRX for Free Consultation.
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📍Disclosure: I’m a FFRX Affiliate; using my Fresh Faces Rewards I don’t make any commission. Only passing on the savings to you.

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