Maharishikaa | How to avoid drama in a relationship? Become a real man!

3 months ago

Maharishikaa responds to Athanas’ question: how to avoid drama in a relationship with his woman? Athanas struggles with whether or not he should speak the truth to his partner, as she often gets upset when he speaks his mind.

Maharishikaa establishes the difference between being honest and operating out of the Truth Impulse. Decoding the motivations of the female, Maharishikaa explains that the ‘drama’ a woman gives a man is because she’s testing his strength, capability and masculinity. The more male a man is, the less trouble the female will give him.

Speaking to how men have distanced themselves from the Truth of their beings, thus becoming more effeminate - even in their attempt to understand the female - Maharishikaa insists that the expectation to understand one another must be gotten rid of, if harmony is sought in a relationship.

She draws Athanas’ attention to the fact that he’s caught in this pattern because he’s not reflecting on where his actions are arising from. She reminds him that while men must be strong decision makers - a quality deeply appreciated by women - it is important for the man to know whether his decisions are emerging from the Truth or from the ego.

She inspires him to take the step of bending down to the Soul within and taking up the practice of discernment, saying he would thus see his relationships transform for the better.

#Maharishikaa #MaleFemaleRelationship #Partnerships

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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