Maharishikaa | What is surrender? Is it the same as losing to the enemy? | Preeti Upanishad

1 month ago

Maharishikaa answers Meranda's question about the transformative power of surrender. What is surrender, and what will happen if she surrenders when the ego is in action?

Maharishikaa speaks to the inconceivable processes of transformation that happen through this practice.

The ego can only be in action if there is no surrender. If Meranda takes up the practice of surrendering to the Soul within, she is carried through life protected by the inner master, where nothing can shake her. However, if she were to let go of the master, then the ego can launch its attack once again.

As Meranda deepens her surrender practices - her Sadhanaa - she will be strengthened in her ability to discern between the ego noise and the Truth Impulse and will thus be more able to refuse the ego and go with the Truth of her being.

Maharishikaa illustrates the expansion of consciousness that starts to happen in all the realms of consciousness and the miraculous abilities that develop in a seeker, where previously impossible actions are suddenly effortless.

#Maharishikaa #SurrenderPractice #SelfRealization

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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