Calvinist & Orange Political Theory: De justa republicae in regis impios authoritate

2 months ago

***UPDATE: Interview With a Calvinist Minister >>>


The State (Res Publica) exists to create the political, legal and economic conditions that allow The Reformed Church to carry out its evangelization mission.

pic: Amsterdam Stock Exchange in 1602.

"For Christ and Spices !"


Quinque Solae: Sola scriptura, Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo gloria

Should the sovereign be a tyrant, resistance becomes legitimate. A tyrant obstructs for anti-Christ (The Pope) against "true religion" (reformed Christianity).

De justa republicae in regis impios authoritate !

"The United Provinces of the Midi, or the Provinces of the Union, founded at Anduze in February 1573, were the beginning of a kind of Huguenot State in southern France."

( (1572)


"The people of Geneva officially broke from Catholicism in 1536. They were Protestants in the verbal sense of the word, as ones protesting Roman Catholic authority. Generally, however, they hardly understood Protestant doctrine. The desire for self-governance had been growing in Geneva for centuries and exploded into revolution in the years before Calvin’s arrival."

In a nutshell: "The state rules the church’s environs, maintaining domestic tranquility so that the church can execute a mission to evangelize and make disciples of all citizens. By fostering the maturity of its Christian flock, the church nurtures the state by producing model citizens; thus church and state are mutually inclined."

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