UCP 2024 AGM - Youth Debate w/ Eva Chipiuk

4 months ago

The 2024 United Conservative Party Annual General Meeting was the largest in history with 6000 members across Alberta. The Critical Compass had the privilege of filming the youth debate hosted by Eva Chipiuk of Empowered Canadians. Two teams of 5 students debated UCP Policy Resolution 8 on parental rights and Policy Resolution 15 on immigration. Debaters were judged on clarity, evidence, delivery and creativity.

The United Conservative Party believes that the Government of Alberta should…
e. Support parental rights in education by implementing the following:
i. Require teachers and school boards obtain opt-in informed written consent from the parent(s) of
a student to any instance when a teacher provides, formal, informal, or incidental instruction or
extracurricular activities on subject matter involving sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
At the parent’s written request, the teacher of the student shall permit the student to leave the
classroom without academic penalty or other censure.
ii. Require that all third-party resource materials or presentations related to gender identity, sexual
orientation, or human sexuality available in Alberta classrooms be pre-approved by the Ministry of

The United Conservative Party believes that the Government of Alberta should…
a. Negotiate with the federal government to create an accord with Alberta that grants our province greater
control over immigration, including total numbers of temporary and permanent residents, and active
participation in the selection and rejection of those being granted temporary or permanent settlement
rights in Alberta through the immigration process.

More information on the UCP https://www.unitedconservative.ca/

Empowered Canadians is a civic organization devoted to fostering an informed and participatory democracy in Canada. Learn more at: https://empoweredcanadians.ca/


00:00 Teaser
00:52 Introduction
05:50 Policy 8 Summary - Parental Rights
06:52 Policy 8 Debate
33:25 Policy 15 Summary - Immigration
34:05 Policy 15 Debate
102:14 Closing Thoughts & Debate Winners


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