no choice but to keep making stuff til this is all over

3 months ago

you really get to know yourself at the bottom of the well
a shivering baby bird that feels the warm protection of a mother hen
there's a purpose for all of it n it makes you wanna sing
this is how you build yourself up, just believe n you'll last a little longer
mental illness is all in yer mind *hell is right now
technology definitely fucks w/ time
the bigger picture is harder to talk about, so the tiny dot it is!
the details really don't matter to anyone but the elite
it's been happening since the beginning of time
why is it paranoia to not trust the world?
why would i trust what they tell me all so they can sell me things
i'm a mfing wrench in their system
the man in my head knows me too well
this is just a jam session w/ ag + animal frenz
everybody knows propaganda, he doesn't feel up to talking right now
lexi is one of the few women i know that can take criticism
i got a lotta these dinosaurs from people i work w/, all of em but propaganda
evolution n dewey go hand in hand
darwin can't stand up on his own much like us history
revelation (dragon) is from tom, my mgr
i always questioned the dinosaur part of our textbook
i got royalty from marisa
you gotta be in an interracial relationship or the product of one
you gotta be cool w/ other races if you work at a restaurant
there used to be an oreo gay couple that worked @ sns
if you get pounded by a black dude, it's probably gonna rub off
i had to reglue royalty's head twice but now he looks like a confused doggie
we have a fuck ton of knick knacks
it's comforting me to have my whole house w/ me
schizophrenia really explains my behavior
why does it have to be a bad thing cos often times it's a sad thing
i know how to do stuff when i'm up all night
just find some shit to do, that's it
i just pay a lotta attention n notice way more
sorry if that hurt yer ears, it's definitely hurting mine
this is my show, if you don't like it you can go *waves goodbye
we gotta watch pulp fiction again, it's really the only film i can watch of tarantino's cos they're just too violent
my brain must be short-circuiting
make stuff til you die
i hope i'm not gonna end up like that legit retarded dude in flowers for algernon
we jump from topic to topic n feeling to feeling
humbled by that childlike spirit, either in awe or in horror
we have successfully learned how to navigate these extremities
i don't wanna give away the movie or anything
i coulda done that w/out laughing n it woulda been spot-on
i want my memory to stay intact only when it comes to pulp fiction
i gotta memorize bible verses not just tupac lyrics hahaha
your life is nothing more than a commercial advertising crap cereal
gotta have my pops
the nineties was one of the last great eras
eating genetically modified cereal n nobody cared at the time
kellogg's corn pops was only good cos of the commercial
plastic corn w/ wax
i'm talking too fast n my words are morphing together, sorry vortex
my guess is actually way better than yours
i know it looks like i am having a psychotic break (that's what the normies seem to think)
i reckon that these critics are probably not making anything
i'm fine w/ just letting it happen
you'll never solve all the stuff that you obsess so much about
when you see yourself as a victim that's all you will ever see
dictator side rant (not involving you know who)
one giant blob of authority that tells you how to behave
i could never follow it cos i never gave their kinda shit
this doesn't look like luck but you know we don't give a fuck about appearance
if technology were food people would be dead
now just imagine how these people are mentally
the video is gonna cut me off if we keep goin past 30 sumin min
my voice gave out to reflect your main mistake
you can't see yourself in HD quite like me
maybe i just have outrageous empathy, it IS an experience
just gotta make peace w/ that darker part of yourself
can't spell good w/out God

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