2 months ago

Political Destruction of America & Europe is all for 'the greater israel project' this video will help understand why Rothchilds(Jews) created Israel with the help of UK Gov.(Balfour declaration) to try & destroy Al Aqsa Mosque & build the third temple Mount for their messiah(the antichrist, Dajjal) as they did not accept Isa(Jesus) muslims & christians did.

THE ISRAEL YOU DON'T KNOW: THE TALMUD AND THE JEWS https://www.bitchute.com/video/JQrnKhKDwNpg/

Rothschild created Israel, forcing the British government to sign Balfour declaration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsRuB-Qw1b0&ab_channel=Handhala

Ex UK Prime Minister Theresa May: “We are proud of our pioneering role in the creation of the State of Israel.” Speech to the Balfour Centenary Dinner. https://conservativehome.com/2017/11/03/theresa-may-we-are-proud-of-our-pioneering-role-in-the-creation-of-the-state-of-israel-her-speech-to-the-balfour-centenary-dinner-full-text/

Ex Prime Minister "I believe Balfour declaration paved the way for a great nation" Boris Johnson hails the creation of Israel ahead of its centenary on Thursday:
Boris Johnson defends Balfour Declaration: 'I am proud of Britain's part in creating Israel' https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-palestinians-britain-idUSKBN1CZ25T

Head of the Snake - Wexner, Maxwell’s, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADRRgaPwWeo&ab_channel=PVPGURL

Mossad is Israeli intelligence playing a big part in preparing for coming of Dajjal:
Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad spy, says investigative journalist Dylan Howard https://7news.com.au/the-morning-show/jeffrey-epstein-was-a-mossad-spy-says-investigative-journalist-dylan-howard-c-595812

Jew Jeffrey Epstein was blackmailing politicians for Israel’s Mossad(Isaeli intelligence), new book claims https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200106-jeffrey-epstein-was-blackmailing-politicians-for-israels-mossad-new-book-claims/

Ex-Israeli Spy Claims Jeffrey Epstein Blackmailed Politicians For Israel's Mossad(israeli intelligence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAv8rAN2ciE&ab_channel=nolongersleeping

COME SPY WITH ME Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were spies who used underage sex to blackmail politicians, ‘ex-handler’ claims https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10414087/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-mossad-agents-politicians-sex-blackmail/

this is why Israel has been killing Palestinians men woman & children & stealing & demolishing Palestinian homes for the past 75 years creating Jewish settlements which is part of 'greater israel project' it's been happening for 75 years:

Israeli forces fire tear gas, stun grenades at Palestinians inside Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4wVYYQXTdQ&ab_channel=GlobalNews

‘If I Don’t Steal [Your Home] Someone Else Will’ Israeli Settler Justifies Forcible Takeover

Israel Begins Demolition of Palestinian Homes

Israel demolishes Palestinian homes on Jerusalem outskirts

Israeli forces demolish a Palestinian home in Hebron | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
many more on youtube just search 'palestinian houses demolished'

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