3 months ago

Atomic clustering (Meltology)

Page 1 "TEMPERATURE DICTATES THE MATTER" Meltology 20 page description or here is a detailed explanation in a video stream description https://youtu.be/JDdS3SJau_w?si=hmqe96GF2W4PsVfm

(Meltology description (2) 2023) updated 2024
"Temperature dictates the state of matter"

Did you know lighting can RESHAPE matter on an atomic level? Then so can the electricity from below on the Old World circuit board grid. That is exactly how most if not all minerals were created after the meltdown. Electrification to the brick buildings and then immediately cooled down by the default response of the irrigation systems in these high tech architecture buildings. Atomic shapes from the different temperatures vibrating through the brick and or metal causing it to freeze in time with heat and water and the result can be many states of matter like a crystal. The temperatures were different, and different frequencies means different shapes and new forms of matter. A new world born.

Meltology is a new way to see the world and the only way to see it when you have the eyes to see it. It will change the world as we know it and is spreading like a fire in this great awakening of revelation. Like a fire the Old World Paradise was on fire and melted like ice cream. Imagine a computer mother board and the grid components short circuited because they were drawing in too much electricity from the source and since they are all connected, it is in fact what happened but much much more advanced, a computer on steroids like the future world many years from now when you think about it. The old world has yet to be built. We live in a paradox because of the 'Meltdown' or 'Xfactor' event of the last world and possibly created the duality we have now in the new world. Research for yourself and explore the actual depth of how deep this goes it is connected to everything we know.

The old world buildings resonated to a specific frequency and were able to give off unlimited electricity. This frequency is believed to have melted these structures due to them drawing in too much at once causing a worldwide meltdown. Like a mother board on a computer the components draw in electricity and melt if they overheat or overload all together but there is always survival and this supports the evidence for (pockets of survival) parts of buildings that are visible either somewhat heat damaged or severely.
The intense electrification from the bottom to the top and melted in such an extreme way the "lava" leveled out causing smooth surfaces for many miles across the plane and we think it is the original ground. The original 'ground' is the sea floor. We are on the ruins of the once worldwide advanced civilization that was here and we remain above the flood waters high in the air. We call the ground we stand on 'continents' or islands."

(Advanced reality/all is spirit/computer)
"We live in a DUALITY as a result of the event.... A malfunctioning hologram. It rewrote itself for the new world. But it's all by design, we are here cause we wanted to be cause we are eternal in that old world. The spirit is beyond time and for all we know we could be there right now under some tech having this lovely duality suffering experience for fun and for the opposite polarity experience since we are a non duality multidimensional entity.

This goes so deep, you have to understand this is not a 3D physical world.. It's a computer and you and this place are one of the same. The deeper the advancement in one's awakening shows the disturbing truth. Both worlds exist and cannot exist without one another. The great paradox. The first world was manifested for all we know instantly or we have yet to create that world in our future/past as we will inevitably evolve and become highly advanced beyond comprehension and build that world with machines and 3D print geometrical structures across the entire earth plane mother board grid it will become and is. This goes very deep and is not meant for everyone to know. This is by far the greatest secret next to the fact we create reality and all this exists in the mind (computer) that has yet to be created..

"Who created this place? The answer may be quite complicated for those who might not be far in their awakening but a short answer is the same way we will recreate that world in our future/past from the dirt. Over and over again but the origin? We live in a paradox. It is a computer and that creation of the biological quantum computer is the starting point and we don't know how but when. This is a realm all is right here in the center inside this realm nothing outside, the outside is the inside it is a massive toroid yet a quantum toroid projected from your own mind you and this place are one.
You are the Creator and the Observer. Time is an illusion in fact beyond the supposed physical state, energy exists beyond our limited perspective (this body filtered experience) it is eternal. This is all the mind, both worlds and that non duality and this duality world cannot exist without one another. Here (duality) we will create that world in our future (illusion of time) and there (non duality) we create this world since this world is that world but melted, overloaded and reborn...
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So I believe it was a 6000 year reign of the peak of advancement before inevitably the grid overloaded, fast forward 200 years and bam here we are today. Post event, the devolution of man and earth until we do it again, rebuild the 💻. That's why i always say Meltology debunks all new world dogma all of it. Religions, history our true origin, all of it! The stuff they teach in our modern world last 120 years EVERYTHING is new age literally. We must learn who we are again and look within which is also ancient esoteric wisdom (old age) if Meltology doesn't lead people to the core truths then they are not researching it right and not critically thinking hard enough, the answers are in plain sight. All is mind.
The rewritten history calls it the "great fire" but this could be an accurate timeline when we shifted into this world (non duality to a duality world) due to the meltdown of the original world and its end for this new beginning, a complete reset. My logical guess this event happened around the late 1700s that's when the NWO began.. The history they teach today (NWO) starts around then and it's all faked. And the year became 1800 when the year back then was around 5900 the time around the event. The masonic year is 6020 or 7020 today! 2024.

(The creation and inevitable destruction of the advanced mother board)
The inevitable creation and destruction in this finite realm a architectural grid system and an era of immortality that will be built once again in the near future and it will reign for thousands of years until the overpopulation and the inevitable Etheric overload on this plane. But it cannot happen again until we rebuild the grid components therefore debunking that 138 and 80 year Cycles by the controlled opposition paid to do damage control and give half truths. Meltology is key to finding out the whole picture of the history they desperately tried to hide from us since the event itself.
The ludicrous theories pushed by the shills with no physical evidence: Petrified biology
Ancient mining/terra forming
Dogma biblical nonsense
Giant stumps
80 & 138 year resets
Plasma event from sky

So leave the psyops behind and advance in knowledge! "We are in a period of discovery like the world has never seen before" The study of #Meltology & #theoldworldparadise will debunk all psyops from both sides of the media narratives and the lies coming out of the truther community by big uncensored accounts (shills & disinfo agents) and will leave you speechless with truth! Remember that channels SELLING the "truth" are FRAUDS! Run the other way! "
#Meltology has and will continue to debunk all such nonsense.
Its a computer, it's overloaded. An inevitable event when you reach the peak of advancement. This is a realm, a spiritual plane of experience. All is energy and we are the data. Simple."

All from the enemies of lies and half truths. Those who are truly open minded and are coming to the same conclusions are true to themselves and either know or don't know. A belief should not hold you back. Keep going in research and always advance!

For the deniers, WATCH the documentary below then go start at your local rivers and parks. Then go check out the remaining old architecture and most importantly OBSERVE all of it. Actually TRY to debunk Meltology and you will see the melt is abundant. You will undeniably see why it has been hidden and why history was faked. This is unfathomable. Truth isn't always pleasant and those who have been doing this for a long time know first hand the real truth is actually disturbing and isn't for the weak minded." -MrMeltology

ORIGINAL documentary by the man who disclosed Meltology. Over 100k views across 6 YouTube channels that have been terminated over a 4 year period since 2020 when he discloused this discovery of melted architectural ruins conned worldwide.
Very censored documentary. ~ https://youtu.be/kdPrZb5NpvU?si=dyNtKQ7eMxB0nhJ7

ALL of Meltology links, channels and the full 2022 & 2023 descriptions:

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