WAR IN THE WEST: Nats thumb their nose at the Libs over gun laws

3 months ago

A PUBLIC FIGHT between the Liberal and National parties in WA has created an opportunity for shooters to regain some of the ground they lost in recent times against the state’s draconian gun laws.

After making it clear that the National Party will not form a coalition government with the Liberals unless it committed to repealing the new laws, Liberal leader, Libby Mettam, held a media conference to refute the claim.
However, sources from both sides of parliament have described her move as ‘train wreck’, leaving several Liberal MPs at odds with their leader.

IN THIS EPISODE, we take you through that fight, and why the Liberals best hope for next year’s WA State Election is to dump their current leader.

If the cards fall the right way, this could create a significant opportunity for shooters to retaliate against the Cook Government – and wind back the clock on what has been happening.

A win in the west would send a key message to shooters in other states – but getting there will require a bit of luck in having things line up that way.

We also suggest shooters check out WA journo, Ben Harvey’s, take on the state’s gun policy shamble. Check it out - from the 2:40 mark: https://youtu.be/Ok0KSNW3kWA?si=MYZcyQHfk6HAeok-
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