No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 083 Part A: Making a Sound arena pool, some animation updates

3 months ago

Streamed on 2024-11-12 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

We started off with an easy task. There are some actions that play sounds, but only when animations are enabled. The non-animation code path for those actions don't play the sound. I found the actions missing sounds and added the code to play their respective sounds in non-animation code paths.

After that I added a pool of Sounds to the Scheduler. This fixes a couple of issues we have been having. The most obvious one is that when an action tries to play a Sound, if it is already playing, it doesn't start over. If it did, the previous play of the Sound that hadn't finished would cut off abruptly and sound bad. With a Sound pool, we can ask for Sounds as we need them, and two quick actions can overlap their audio in a natural and normal way.

About the time the Sound pool was ready to start using my computer's audio got messed up. Although it sounds generally okay on stream, it sounded horrendous on my local machine. I stopped the stream to restart OBS at this point and the rest of the stream can be seen in Part B

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