My First Attempt at a Bow Drill Fire

3 months ago

Originally published on YouTube on August 19, 2019

#bowdrillfire #bushcraft #survivalskills

The launch of a band new logo for the channel! It was time for something new and more refined. I worked on this logo for 5 days and I can not describe the tedious, time consuming process that it was. This is the result after three variations of the logo and I am very satisfied with it.

In this video you will see me tackle a skill that is used in bushcraft and survival all across the world. Quite honestly, I have been avoiding friction fires, especially the Bow Drill. Why, you ask? Many reasons. Fear of failure, but from failure you gain knowledge. I think the biggest reason for my avoiding the Bow Drill was timing. I am way less stressed thanks to my new job and my mind was ready to take on the challenge. It was just time!

Bow Drill is a simple rotational hand-operated tool of prehistoric origin. It was used between the 4th and 5th millennium BC. As a "fire drill" it was commonly used to generate friction to start a fire. With time it was adapted to woodworking and other tasks requiring drilling.

I tried to capture this experience the best I could. Unfortunately I am not quite in frame in a few shots and I had the camera zoomed too much. I hope you enjoy the video! Take care and be safe out there!


Shout out to BlackScoutSurvival.
This is his video that I watched repeatedly while studying this concept.


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BURNWOOD CHRONICLES for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips, smoking and grilling meat and more.

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For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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