Word Tower - Fast - November 2024

3 months ago

What is Word Tower?

Word Tower is a game where the player makes words from the given letters. If there is a color block match, the blocks will replenish. There are three (3) games here:
Classic - The base game.
Attack - If there is no color match for the word, the tower is damaged. Letters get lost.
Fast - A three minute time limit.

What about advertisements?

We haven't found any advertisements in the game. We appreciate that.

Any objectionable material? Is this game child-friendly?

We have not found any objectionable material in this game. We haven't even found anything remotely close to objectionable.

The game works. May not sound like much but there are plenty of games which crash more often than not.

There is no soothing background music.
This game gets boring real fast.

What's the Bottom Line?
If you are a word smith, this is a quick and dirty game that you can bring out when you have a few minutes.
If you are a parent, you should not worry about this game.
If you are a casual word smith, this game will bore you quickly.

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