Parasites = Cancer

4 months ago

At the end of this clip there's a couple home videos.I did of tape worms that I have found off multiple dogs and cats outside in the area.I live in. I have Also observed that about 8 out of 10 dogs or cats have these same parasites. And veterinarian dont know what they are
And just out of curiosity. I brought these samples to 2 different veterinarian & a Doctor office lab to have them tested for parasites and all of the tests came back negative, saying it was food particles. I didn't show them the videos of been moving or. The other evidence i have. I just wanted to see what the labs would say it was.
Its funny & crazy that we have allowed ourselves to just trust what people say at face value these doctorsand veterinarianare tought wrong& told what to say . Like doctors they say it so it mush be true. Its a joke all thes3 people are just people just l8ke me or u.
England are offered enough money to conceal the fact that parasites after a long period of time, cause diseases that lead to cancer. And if you kill the parasite before it damages your body with a parasite medicthen you won't get certain types of cancer.. this is mind bothering that more people aren't putting this together.
Like children for example kid play outside put stuff in there months all in areas that cats & dogs have been.

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