Kristal Pitter - Nov 13 Interview

3 months ago

Thanks for your support for Kristal Pitter, a courageous former Nurse Practitioner who has stood tall against the government's COVID tyranny, lockdowns, and mandates.

Today I have a brand new interview with Kristal that tells the story from her side of how standing up for the truth caused her to leave her career in nursing, and cost many thousands of dollars of legal costs that forced her to remortgage her home.

Kristal was also a plaintiff (through Canadian Frontline Nurses) in the successful court challenge to the Government's invocation of the Emergency Act to stop the Trucker Convoy.

For those who did not see my e-mail earlier this week, Kristal Pitter was a member of Canadian Frontline Nurses, a group of nurses that educated the public about the dangers of lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and more. She was subject to various disciplinary proceedings by the College of Nurses. Along with Kristen Nagle and others, when the media and College smeared them, they tried to sue the College for defamation and lost.

Along the way, she had to remortgage her home to pay some of these substantial court costs. As of right now, she has about $42,000 left to pay to the College and also legal fees (on top of the many thousands she's already paid)

Would you help her raise $42,000 to pay off her remaining amounts due?

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