We do not live in a democracy; we are controlled by the Central Banks, says David Rogers Webb

3 months ago

"We are dealing with global totalitarianism at this point." "This is so dark, it's so evil." "We don't live in democracies because we haven't been allowed to have real democracies." "They're controlled by the banking cabals." "If you are feeling threatened, it's because you are being threatened." "You are being subjected to myriad [ a great number of ] threats at this point, and it is escalating." "We are in an escalating global hybrid war." "The only way to stop these myriad threats toward you and your family and future generations is to end the power of these central banks." "So this will be such a profound change for humanity when this is reversed." It's going to be painful getting there, but all of this tremendous burden on us will finally be gone." "We have to understand that this isn't just commonplace human greed that we're dealing with." "We are dealing with a very systematic plan to subjugate humanity globally." "The entities behind this are the privately-controlled central banks."

This is from an interview that Chris Martensen did with David Rogers Webb on 6 May 2024, which is posted here:


The full interview is posted here:


The documentary "The Great Taking" is posted here:


David Rogers Webb's book, "The Great Taking", can be downloaded here:


Mirrored - Fat News

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