Israel Killed Job

3 months ago

Isn't one of your biblical prophets named Job ? Well I guess i can quote Jesus for the retarded christards sucking israel's dicks.

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Mathew 23:37

Notice jesus said' children' gentiles are not from the children. Jesus wasn't sent to none children.
Children= children of Israel.
all disciples = jews
paul = jew.
Christianity = scam on gentiles.

Eitherway, you are murdering people with names from your own bibles.

lol These satanic filth are killers and murderers and garbage, if only jesus condemned the baby dick sucking, he didn't thus fuking libral jew is just as bad as a religious jew.

The childs name is Job.

Since oct 7 Israelshit killed over 45000.
70% of all killed are women and children.
Over 70 years of terrorism and massacres and landgrabs.
Tens of thousands hostages.
Hundreds of thousands displaced.

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