Psalm 119 part 16 v121-128 "Each wicked path with hatred I behold." Tune: Margaret. 16th: ayin

3 months ago

Sing Psalms.
Psalm 119 verses 121 to 128.
Tune: Margaret (Roberts)
image: Lawrie Cate, Open Torah scroll
This is the sixteenth section of psalm 119.
In the original Hebrew each stanza of this section begins with the letter ayin ×¢.
Source Michael Owens (NoteWorthy Music Services)
Used by permission

PSALM 119 (16) 10 10 10 10

121 I have performed all that is right and just,
So leave me not to my oppressors’ will.
122 Ensure the welfare of your servant, LORD;
Let not the insolent oppress me still.

123 My eyes grow weak while looking for your aid,
While waiting for your righteous promise, LORD;
124 So deal with me according to your love,
And teach me the commandments of your word.

125 I am your servant; give enlightenment
So that your statutes I may understand.
126 O LORD, now is the time for you to act;
Your law is being broken in the land.

127 Because I set my heart on your commands,
And love them more than gold, than purest gold,
128 And since I reckon all your precepts right,
Each wicked path with hatred I behold.

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