Swatting the Lord of the Flies round 2

1 month ago

This boss fight is just a teaser of what kind of BS you will be putting up with for the 2 extra bosses that you will face once you clear the game and start a 2nd playthrough.

Yeah, took me 3 tries before I squished that giant Mayfly. I fought this boss before 20 years ago, I could barely remember what kind of attacks it will do and the defenses that I need.

BS Insta-death attacks are just the worst.

People said that the enemy AI is cheap but I disagree, it responds accordingly on what kind of defenses your party has and uses the optimal attacks it has in its arsenal to try to defeat you. Buffs? It responds by removing it, applying magic shielding? It uses attacks that it has that does not get negated by that shielding. Well, most of the time.

And all this is from a game that was made over 20 years ago at 2004 (by the time of this recording).

The last of the 4 Heavenly Kings video will be out tomorrow at 8AM as usual.

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