Publishing Unplugged: Debunking 10 Myths and Revealing What Really Works

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🔥 Breaking Down the Myths: Navigating Publishing’s Realities 🔥
📅 Tuesday, Nov 19 | ⏰ 9:30 AM PDT
📺 Live on The Quiet Warrior Show 🎥

Publishing a book is often loaded with myths, ambitions, and unexpected turns. Join me and W. Terry Whalin, acclaimed editor, literary agent, and author of 10 Publishing Myths: Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed, as we shatter the biggest illusions that hold aspiring authors back and dive into what it takes to thrive in the book business! Terry brings a wealth of experience, having helped countless authors successfully navigate the publishing industry.

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#PublishingMyths #AuthorSuccess #BookPublishing #QuietWarrior #Livestream #SetReminder #WritingJourney #AspiringAuthors #PublishingAdvice #RealTalkPublishing

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