3 months ago

On the 7th of July the entire Deep State, and all Democrat Agencies, including the 18 American Security Agencies, all conspired colluded and instigated, the greatest most Criminally Treasonous event in World history. This will go down in history books, and be talked about for thousands of years. The most Treasonous political party, probably that the world has ever seen. All who orchestrated this horrendous crime, are liable for Treason and the Death Penalty, and all assets are stripped. Now we know why Trump has had 750-1000 workers at Gitmo, for ten or 12 years, building thousands of extra cells, and an odd court house. For Treason the very first and main thing on the list, is assassination of a leader, and that’s what Trump has always been, because Biden is nothing but 3-400 Biden imposters for the last 52 years. Obama’s only been an imposter for 49 years since 1975. Its about time Americans wake up, and completely wipe woke from their vocabulary.

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