Down Under Digital ID Chains

3 months ago

Original song about the Labor Party wanting to introduce a digital ID that all Australians must have. As usual they lie to us. This time they are saying it is to protect children under 16. Don't fall for that (remember this is the same people that put Drag Queens in our public schools). No this is about controling the population. Tracking you. If they get this and digital cash our lives will be totally controlled by the Globalists. You will live where they want you to live, go where they tell you you can go. Work where they tell you to work. Buy what they tell you to buy. If you don't do those things they will cut you off from your money. A social credit system will be introduced. Using that system they will reward you for doing what they tell you to do and penalise you for not doing what they tell you to do. Gary Crockett Copyright©

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