Dividend-Paying Whole Life Insurance Explained in 15 Minutes | Complete Guide

3 months ago

👉 Want to learn more? Get your free copy of the Self Banking Blueprint here https://www.insuranceandestates.com/self-banking-blueprint/ In the next 15 minutes, we are going to show you how banks and wealthy individuals use dividend-paying whole life insurance to build tax-free wealth - a strategy that's been working since 1847. If you've ever wondered why major corporations put billions into life insurance instead of the stock market, stay tuned.

See our article https://www.insuranceandestates.com/top-10-best-dividend-paying-whole-life-insurance-companies/

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Dividend paying whole life insurance is offered by mutual insurance companies. A mutual company is one owned by policyholders. A stock company is owned by investors. As a mutual company, the company is focused on maximizing value for policyholders. Whereas, with a stock company, the focus is on maximizing shareholder value.

Dividends are categorized under the internal revenue code as a return of premium, allowing dividends to have a tax advantaged status. By taking that dividend and reinvesting it into the whole life insurance policy via paid up additions, we will see a compounding effect on your cash value growth every single year. See our article on true compound interest growth here: https://www.insuranceandestates.com/compound-interest-growth/
By using the dividend to purchase paid up additions, you grow both your cash value account and your death benefit, so that both grow with you as you age.

What makes these dividend paying whole life insurance policies truly effective is when you put them to use through the strategy of infinite banking, combined with investing in certain asset classes such as real estate. Using dividend paying whole life insurance in conjunction with infinite banking can create higher real estate returns than the typical method of using cash for the down payment. See our article on real estate and infinite banking here: https://www.insuranceandestates.com/real-estate-wealth-building-strategies-with-infinite-banking/

Mutual Company Advantages and Benefits Include:
1. Participating in the Company's Success
2. Annual Dividend Payments
3. Tax Advantaged Growth
4. Tax Advantaged/ Tax Free Use of Money Via Loans
5. Collateral via the death benefit and cash value
6. Death Benefit

A strategically designed dividend paying whole life insurance policy is with the right company and set up properly from day one, as well as funded properly with paid-up additions. Many of the largest, most successful businesses, such as MacDonald's, AT&T, Wells Fargo, Nike, Chase, etc. purchase cash value life insurance for the guarantees, access to liquid cash, tax benefits, and more.

Penn Mutual, MassMutual, and Lafayette Life are currently three of the top companies offering dividend paying whole life insurance.

Dividend Paying Whole Life Insurance is an asset, providing:
-Cash Flow

📖 Chapter Timestamps Here ⏰
0:00 Intro
0:27 Discussion Goals
1:15 Mutual Company vs Stock Company
4:09 Dividends equal a return of premium
5:09 Whole life insurance dividend history
6:42 Mutual Company Advantages
7:08 Strategically designed dividend paying whole life insurance policy
9:13 Social Proof - Banks and Businesses
10:24 5 Criteria for the Best Dividend Paying Whole Life Insurance Companies
12:39 Whole life insurance loan rates
13:33 Our Preferred Companies
14:13 Buy assets
15:01 Next Steps

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DISCLAIMER: All content in this video is for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as personal financial advice. Always do your own due diligence.

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