LIVE TODAY 10:30am PST - Integrity in Action - Join Us & Show Your Support!

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I will be participating with over 100 pod-casters TODAY... Wednesday on November 13, 2024 on a Live event stream with "Integrity in Action", starting at 1:30pm EST. There is an anticipation of over two-million viewers and I want to personally invite you to this very important event! The speakers include:

Jovan Pulitzer
Phani Martrvadi
Mel K
Liz Harrington
Catherine Engelbrecht
Marly Hornik
Garland Favorito
Marcel Strbich
Linda Synkowicz
Jim Womack
Dan Smeriglio
Greg Stenstrom
Kim Yeater
Ivan Raklin
Jerome Corsi
General Flynn
Wayne Root
CPT Maureen Banon

Please watch and share! We need as many people watching as possible, to show the deep state that we are united in our efforts to save our country and even world! We do not all agree on everything, but what we do agree upon is if we don't have fair elections, we don't have a COUNTRY! And at this point it is US against THEM! We the People against those foreign invaders who would lead us into the NWO if we do not act now!

Also if you have not done so yet, please sign up today with to have your vote cross checked post election. If your candidates Crosscheckusa total exceeds the official results, then your candidate and "We the People" have the evidence to contest the election under penalty of perjury. This is HUGE! Sign Up Today:

Become Part of a Movement to Save the World!

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