Over 30% of COVID vaccinated people either missed work/school, were hospitalized or died

3 months ago

Shocking... Del Bigtree recounts the ICAN law suit to obtain the vaccine study data from Pfizer: "So then when the government rushed the COVID vaccine onto the people, they said, oh, we're gonna be totally transparent. We know we're rushing it. We know we skipped out of the safety trials. Well, we said we're gonna hold your feet to the fire. And we have, as I said before, the Pfizer data."

"When we said we want that data, ICAN is requesting that data through Freedom of Information Act request. They said, no, you can't get it. We brought a lawsuit. And in that lawsuit, they ended up saying, this was against the FDA, remember? This wasn't against Pfizer."

"Our own FDA said, we're holding back that data for 75 years. And we said, are you out of your mind? A product that we don't know what it's doing, we don't know what the long-term effects are gonna be. And we got the judge to say, that sounds crazy to me too. In fact, I don't know where the judge got the shot, probably did, but he's probably thinking, I'd like to see that data too. So we won that lawsuit, but they lied, Alex."

"They said, well, we only have five million pages of documents. Yeah, they slow rolled. So we said, okay. Then the judge said, well, five million, this many per day gets us to five million. The year came up. And we were still getting data. We're like, wait, why is there still data? We're supposed to have all of it. We went back to court, said to the judge, FDA actually lied to us for Pfizer. They have millions of more documents. Judge went crazy, admonished the Department of Justice. They had to give us more documents every day."

"Then we got the Moderna data coming in. That's pouring in. Then we got the V-safe, which was this app that the CDC made, handed out to everybody in the vaccine so they could track their health outcomes. That thing's a total scam, because the only thing they asked about was, do you have a headache?"

"Do you have... swelling in the arm, forget about it. Did you get a blood clot like we were seeing in all of our trials? Did you have a heart attack? Did you have an aneurysm? Turbo cancer? None of those questions, but they did have this box where you had to write in. If we haven't asked you the question, anything else happened, well, they gave us all of the push button. I had a headache data."

"And in that data, by the way, Alex, we discovered that more than 30% of the people that got the COVID vaccine either missed work, school, or were hospitalized. That is a horrible product. One in three could not perform. And then the medical system is incentivized to cover it up. Correct. And so all of that's available because of the work my nonprofit's doing."

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