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747 Sun Of man, Federation Of Planets satanic Curse, Seeking 733 CIA Soho Green Screen Plan!
did your satanic creature culling CSIS/CIA masters give you the heads up already rumble live monitors?
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guess we shall see!
yet another title i ever saw coming either nope...
if it even fits like!
747 "Sun" Of man, Federation Of Planets satanic Curse, Seeking 733 CIA Soho Green Screen Plan!
thanx for playing along a little bit pavlovski yep!
JCN again! @bourneblaked777
747 curse, 733 seeking sun of man, federation of planets, "gods" of "Is Ra EL", CIA soho green screen fun GcJyAUFa8AADFMA.jpg
Holy shiat Ms Goldfishy @ReportGoldfish there is yet another title i never saw coming nope!
it shall make sense though soon i'm [Q]uite sure!👍
Oh no Ms Goldfishy @ReportGoldfish my schizophrenic azeus is all messed up on the [Q]uantum meth i think yep! still so urgently need some treatment options for sure indeed yup!😬
ooooh SHOOT Ms Goldfishy @ReportGoldfish
i totally forgot the orange tool 747 curse bit & what nots! My bad we can't forget the orange age, ORANGE AGE hooray! 👍
it's "prophecy" rites!👍
no surprise there creature culling orange clown nope!
Sense Receptor @SenseReceptor
Most people don't know "COVID" was actually the consolidation of the decades-in-the-making "Going Direct" coup implemented by the central bankers. SAD!
Trump, with his personal portfolio manager—and BlackRock CEO—Larry Fink, sold out America to get it done. Even SADDER! (1/5)
In this clip from a recent TFTC podcast (
) researcher Mark Goodwin (
) describes how COVID-era financial policy was planned in August and September of 2019 by Trump in conjunction with his personal investment-portfolio manager, Larry Fink.
From Grok: "Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, has managed Donald Trump's investment portfolio. This relationship is noted in various sources where it's mentioned that BlackRock, under Fink's leadership, handled Trump's finances, particularly through investments like the BlackRock Obsidian Fund, a global fixed-income multi-strategy hedge fund."
"In August and September of 2019 when the repo market explodes, Trump gets together with his money manager, Larry Fink, and they come up with a plan of basically how to get all this money to go right to Wall
Street, not to Main Street, and then they crush demand
and lock down the country and push these... deregulate[d] pharma products," Goodwin tells TFTC host Marty Bent (
For reference, the repo market in the U.S.—worth TRILLIONS of dollars—is where financial institutions borrow and lend short-term funds using securities, typically U.S. Treasury securities, as collateral.
Goodwin adds: "In this way, [they printed] more money than anyone has ever printed in the history of the United States or the world. [And] they crushed demand by locking us all in our houses. This was this was all scripted before the 'virus' [appeared]."
The researcher goes on to note: "This specific plan with Fink was the Going Direct plan. And this was...a plan...They had to address this issue of the [national] debt. How do you do it? Well, let's print all this money, lock down the economy so that we crush inflation as much as possible by crushing demand. And then we use these trillions of dollars that has no ability to go into checking accounts and into Main Street and use it to buy up all the assets in the world."
Furthermore, Goodwin says the designers of the Going Direct plan decided that "We'll bring Bitcoin down to 3,000 dollars, [have it 20X] in a year [and then] onshore, all of this Bitcoin into the United States, move everything into a deflationary economic system [and] now that we have it all. And then we [can] start pushing a completely different economic and political system onto the people using these new media formats [e.g. podcasts]."
Cut to now and Goodwin says: "They have everything.
They have all the assets. They have all the technology.
They have the drones to set up the border and to set up their citadels. They have enough Bitcoin to literally pay off the debt if they want to hyperinflate the dollar into Bitcoin. And I think that's really what we kind of explored in this chain series... this idea of maybe this was all a huge plan...And when you kind of explore and look at the people that were really there that built these things [cryptocurrencies] from a regulatory standpoint and a custody standpoint, these people are heavily connected to the intelligence state—[Palantir's Peter] Thiel specifically."
W.R. Schock, QBD @iontecs_pemf
That's hysterical. Canada is about to be one of the states of America VERY soon now & won't they feel funny. The new US flag has 77 stars & one of them is for the Great White North!🤭
laugh all you like creature! until you realize who rewrote your boundaries Ms Goldfishy @ReportGoldfish
we'll see who's really laughing in 5 years [time] when your all bowing to a yella commy ruler!
that black man there on @BrantfordPolice knows about predictive programing!👍
"calm" before the creature culling "god" wins, orange tool storm aye!
ready for commy wuhan land to kick y'all in the teeth i wonder Sault St Marie?🤔
National Emergency to be Declared! Supplies Staged for "Emergency Situation", Border Wave Expected
Oh and for sure the creature culling federation of planets orange tool puppet is bringing it all to us right good for sure! and right after saying in the link below all things two thirds culled not that long ago!
White Love Glitches To CIA Demon Puppet Bitches, Aye CSIS Yep!
🪶Native Patriot 🇺🇸 @LaNativePatriot
1972, a HOPI spiritual elder explains the prophecy
Including the “man in the red hat”
Chief Seattle claimed the white mans God “Jesus* and the Great Spirit are one in the same.
Are we living through the end times? A cleansing of this land?
You’re goin to want to watch this
Hopi Prophecy of the Red Hat People and Donald Trump
hey Ms Goldfishy i been thinking... i really should change the whole che[Q]uetet orange tool, putin clone, commy skin xi thing...
like think it would be too harsh to say "more like just raped what was already here" from the whole "made" "man" in "our" thang?🤔
idk maybe thats.. too harsh but idk!😒
and for sure Ms Goldfishy... my schizophrenic canon back in the day was high as hell too on the [Q]uantum meth i think too, like who knew!😒
Che[Q]uetet can't wait to meet y'all 20161023_163028 (2020_08_05 16_41_23 UTC).jpg2
JCN again! @bourneblaked777
Replying to @bourneblaked777
@YellowRoseTx51 and @ReportGoldfish
them [BAR] pigs know about 1112 too, like woo hoo yep!
& for sure "father" So_[u]_L 13, feel free to burp out the "mother" wad any[time] for sure yup!👍
Ending Not For Everyone No Father, 1412 Crux It Away "Sun" Of "Man" "Light" Of The World Cut Yup!
Be nice to feces my Queen yes... No more kill box [Q] for you either, sorry to associate you with that satanic creature culling bunk for sure Ms M yup!
looks like jackmusk 2.o hates your guts & such too my [Q]ueen, like wtf eh yep!😒
i think i @ least raised my density level to 3.3 now with that tree mounting! & i didn't even get a splinter yup!👍
this positivity shit just may be the ticket who the hell knows but still...
seeking caves btw to find some place to astral "pretend" all more worries away, like yay!
can't find any caves around as of yet, so screw the astral happiness until another day i guess yes!😒
and just a word of advice for any that should care, if your going to mount a tree i advise to beware there! maybe wear 2 pairs of pants, preferably jeans but you can do what ever you want for all i care, just beware there!
For more description on why the federation of planets won't let the Queen use real voice or pictures see the description and link below with all kinds of other schizophrenic azeus fun! For sure that old azeus is high as fk i think on [Q]uantum meth yep!
773 Justice O.P.P Ya They Know Me, Vital Statistics Seeking Fellow Heathens Mash!
For POZIOMKA crown guy aye, & that creature culling O.P.P ya you know me with email to the demon creature chris that tried to kill me too like woo hoo!
Email (redacted) copy below_
+ 8
Sat, Oct 12 • 14:05
G W N Services <>
H**** <h*****>
Wpoziomka <>
Cobraresistance <>
Benjaminfulford <>
Thegoldfishreport <>
Laurabe4 <>
Lauralynnlive <>
Opp Commissioners Of <>
Contacts included are for future proceedings as it is clear that what they have done here with the mind body network, DARPA, orion group, chimera nano grid has effected many from h**** here to the elders that flipped on me in weeks to the jeff creature that ultimately stole my charger/evidence due to events out of six nations! all the patents are out there now and there is no longer any doubt the depths of evil that have conspired against us here! please do refer to body cam evidence of the day i was evicted without due notice thanx to possessed demon creatures and borg'd out creatures (ie h***** sun)
good call POZIOMKA crown guy! going down with the ship you shall aye!
hey goof (chris) how goes it? so guess you don't want your bag back? and your cheap coat all ripped up thanx to walking aimlessly thanx to trying to help y'all and what ever? guess you returned the bug zapper too and fkd me for hundreds there as well you nazi thief? lol if you even knew what a true nazi was aside like...
all good creature i already saw your coming demise so enjoy your last days creature! its the harvest of sols after all and to be clear it was seen that day with the OPP and everything else you've done... how you even lured me out there in the 1st place to how you tried to electrocute me to out right theft! hopefully your safer now h***** now that i'm gone as clearly that racist animal abusing feces on 2 feet doesn't need to inflict anymore archonic energy on your family now that they have succeeded in further destroying me!
may you survive what they are soon to do here before the coming election in the south... they just killed thousands with the recent hurricanes in the south that are directly connected to the nazis here in canada i've tried to warn you about h***** so when they light up the grid hopefully you got those things i suggested otherwise most of you are not long for this world i hate to say!
Pfizer Insider Reveals Vaccinated People Will Soon Start 'Bleeding From Every Orifice'
and ya chris the tech they have and the under ground bases that track all through here are way faster then i even told you back in the day... lol your program must be defunct i think but i recall the day when i was on one knee with a sea of birds at the end of my hand... the look you gave me was priceless... like a well pissed off draco demon skin with your head about to explode! recall my face please when you meet your fate creature aye & keep the change goof for sure yep!
Exhibit CSIS demons Boomerang Billion Plus Culled For TAIT & Crown Guy POZIOMKA Great!
Sky Lady, The True Turtle Island, Ohio Ten Commandments Connections!
feel free to watch me taunt your masters on my 6th satanic CIA X account why not yes!
JCN again! @bourneblaked777 · Oct 3
Shall we play a game jackmusk 2.o @elonmusk?
watya think eh @OPP ya you know me???
The satanic musk Puppet Can Project Yes, With Mari M BOOM & CIA Youtube SCREWS!
Sad you know h*****... you could have had it all... even saved your mom and yourselves and what do you do? i'll keep you redacted for now in future videos seeing as you finally paid something but regardless you are part of this story and witness like it or not... it shall come out in due time chris's role in this per everything i already explained to you that i won't repeat here with this demon creature on the thread!
Mari btw has further backed everything up with more content to the extent she is allowed to... and just know as well her health is not well because of all of this so imagine if you just learned how to communicate eh? But hey its clear they used DARPA against you as well so i understand now your not really you any longer so forgive me for thinking you could ever be that! My twin would never do such things as you in the end after all! it was a test for sure in the end as you said yes! And is why that "girl" the [Q]ueen's health is now suffering because i suppose yep!
Many they are lost of 7 sisters aye... the disrespect of cave man like creatures whom forgot all aside!
Cryptic Ms. M - Aneeka Tribute!
and so you know again my [Q]ueen backed up my description from the sky lady vid the next day with why they can't use real voice or pictures! @ about 3 min mark
How the Galactic Federation sees Earth, 34, Part 4, Restrictions. 🌌🌎
much like she backed me up on the plane less trails drone ship... where she basically confirmed that was them and later had 10 videos pulled for saying what she did! such disrespect you know but hey the sea of birds at the end of my hand say it all... just like the demon cringe smirk of chris there when he laughed when i told him "someone" tried to electrocute me! Enjoy your last days demon creature! 700 bucks is a small price to pay to see you your lessons so for sure MUAW!
Ending Not For Everyone No Father, 1412 Crux It Away Sun Of Man Light Of The World Cut Yup!
Shhh Shhh Ms. M, The "planes" The "planes" Shhh Shhh!
Was that your drone 7 sisters above? Shhh Shhhh Ms. Gosia no!
JCN again! @bourneblaked777
Watch your back Dr! Don't get "Annette Marie"d or "Hawkins"d @CsiHawkins for sure & thanks for all you've done for our world! @WPoziomka @SCC_eng
1st notice email/received Redacted.pdf
Notice Tacit Agreement
JCN again! @bourneblaked777
& for sure i've had to use many names @OPP ya you know me! Like i told POZIOMKA crown guy!
Well hey with your creature culling satanic @DARPA & @Google [AI] as it is & dealing with @Bell thats trying to kill me thanx to @CJAY92 @cityofcalgary @CalgaryPolice fun, it is what it is!
Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes
WOW 🚨 The Companies doing the North Carolina Hurricane Helene victim’s home inspections listed on the FEMA website are owned by Vanguard & BlackRock
So the same company that owns majority of the lithium mine in the area will be inspecting the victim’s properties they want.. what are the odds!
“They want to you don't want to pay attention to this one so who is going to inspect the homes that are damaged or gone in North Carolina well recently brought to me by the American thinker and my brother Mike you sent me the story
If you go to the FEMA contract page, you will notice if you search for home inspections, that two companies appear. One is Vanguard and the other one is WSP, who is a Canadian company that is mainly owned by the Canadian pension board. Almost, well, right at a little over 18 million shares represents 15% of its ownership.
Now the other piece of the puzzle of who owns WSP is two companies that we well know. One of them being Vanguard. Oh by the way this is all speculation because it's truth right? You only speculate because it's true. The other company that owns it is Vanguard.
They represent almost 3% of the ownership of WSP, right a little bit over 3 million shares that company. And the other company is that good old company called BlackRock.”
Who will be doing the Home inspections for
FEMA in Carolina / Florida -> The same people who own the majority of Ablemarle, the lithium mining company in Kings Mountain..
JCN again! @bourneblaked777
More back up to HIGH TREASON for @OPP and crown guy POZIOMKA aye!
Some "biblical They"s For Brantford PD, With Blackrock Vanguard Public Storage Terrorist Fun!
and where did i meet the hissing like a rabid demon creature chris you may ask h*****? at public storage yep!
and just how did i end up off Ireland too you only to be screwed and by whom?
enough said so watch your back yup! as i wouldn't trust that goof demon creature as far as i could chuck it no yes!
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