Israeli Newspaper ADMITS Tel Aviv Thugs Started Amsterdam Riot

3 months ago

Israeli Newspaper ADMITS Tel Aviv Thugs Started Amsterdam Riot
Why Amsterdam would put football hooligans from a geno-apartheid state above its own residents is beyond me
There were 3000 fans that arrived in Amsterdam. A 13 year old Dutch boy named Bender has a channel and is basically a junior journalist. He has quite a following. He filmed the attacks in Amsterdam showing the hoo-li-gans starting the attacks and carrying weapons. Police were there and did nothing. The majority of attacks by pro-Palestinian people appeared to be in retaliation or self-defense. These “fans” came up to Bender and threatened him, told him to stop filming for his own safety! Yesterday, Owen published an interview with the Dutch woman, the photojournalist who filmed the video that has been used by mainstream media, without her permission. They have distorted what happened and manipulated the narrative. Now, Amsterdam officials along with officials from Iz-Rahell are going to “investigate” the attacks. Again, those committing the crimes are going to investigate themselves…unbelievable! Much respect to Gideon Levy. He is one of the few voices of reason in that country. Also, Russian fans appeared to have been banned for the political agenda, Owen.

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