EU Military Unification Moves Closer: Ursula 'Fond of Lying' von der Leyen Positioned to Command

3 months ago

EU Military Unification Moves Closer: Ursula 'Fond of Lying' von der Leyen Positioned to Command—Did They Forget We Voted Leave?
Full news and all the source links:
- UK Column timeline: EU Military Unification
- European Union: Statement at the European Parliament Plenary by President Ursula von der Leyen, candidate for a second mandate 2024-2029
- The World Economic Forum: Ursula von der Leyen's speech to Davos in full
- BBC (2017): Donald Trump tells Nato allies to pay up at Brussels talks
- Royal United Services Institute: RUSI–FES British–German Dialogue on Defence and Security 2019
“The subject of a European Army dominated most of the open discussion […]”
- EEAS: European Union Military Staff; Concepts and Capabilities Directorate
- EEAS: EU Concept for Military Command and Control - Rev 8 (PDF)
- PESCO projects: Strategic C2 System for CSDP Missions and Operations (EUMILCOM)
- The Telegraph: Macron and Scholz call for EU to unite on defence after Trump victory (Archived)
- Royal United Services Institute (RUSI): What Can the New Government’s Proposed UK–EU Security Pact Achieve?

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