Full Beaver Moon and Pluto Enters Aquarius! CIRF #431: 11/14 - 11/20 2024

1 month ago

Plant of the Week:
The herb Rosemary, is known world-wide for it’s flavor and powerful aroma. Easy
to grow, it is a garden favorite, and is said to bring good luck when grown at the
garden gate. A plant of the Sun, Rosemary holds the masculine polarity and the
element of fire. There is documented use of Rosemary in Ancient Rome and Egypt,
both ceremoniously and medicinally. Associated with the Goddess Aphrodite,
Rosemary incense or smudging is highly purifying and protective.
Scorpio Season this year, has proven to be the launch-pad, for collective and
personal release, transformation and re-birth, of almost every aspect of our
awareness. The alignments are leaving no stone unturned, and once again, the
plant wisdom is bringing us back to center, through the Sun, as we witness its
reflection, through the Full Moon. Uranus conjunct the Moon, adds an element of
surprise, balanced by hope and innovation, while triggering in-depth awakening to
your truth. Connect with Rosemary to become as pure and clear about yourself as
you can be, while still welcoming and receiving change. Pluto into Aquarius will
support this movement into greater clarity of Self. Purify and protect what you
choose to bring forward at this time.
Some also associate Rosemary with Mercury, as it clarifies the senses and clears
the mind when used medicinally and in aromatherapy. Rosemary is said to
enhance memory and can be used to retrieve and purify past life or DNA memories,
providing protection and clarity in these realms. Mercury in Sagittarius gives us
pause to remember clearly and release anything anchoring us to a timeline that is
fading. The opportunity to honor our ancestors and remember our origins, is very
strong this week. Center and embody any memories through the Scorpio Sun
archetype and only bring forward what you love.
Saturn direct brings us out of the karmic underworld of the inner-rings, to the
outer-ring’s gateway towards Uranus. Neptune still provides smoke and veil, but
this is not always a bad thing. It is said that the Virgin Mary took refuge under a
Rosemary bush on her journey to France. She covered herself with her blue robes,
veiling herself from passersby. Since then, the Rosemary bush has had blue flowers
and embodies Mary’s purification and protection archetype. Use Rosemary as a
tool to help discern what to bring forward, as we ascend toward our true freedom.

Crafted for humanity, with love, by: Shawn Elizabeth Nelson

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What is the main collective influence in the coming days and what is the solution?

CIRF report with Chris McCleary. CIRF=Collective Influence Report and Forecast. Advanced Next Generation Astrology report and horoscope using modern and ancient technologies. We investigate the latest memes from the latest collective dreams and thus realize what our civilization is creating or heading towards through an analysis of the Collective Unconscious. We compare that to Tropical Astrology and I-Ching hexagram readings to determine which influences are the most dominant in the coming days. We then "get in alignment with the stars" by looking at Sidereal Astrology, which helps us know how to think and behave through these transits. Learn the main collective influences and how to CIRF them like a pro!

Here's the beginner's guide to CIRF Reports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-igwFoXp_zo

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