Eleventh Circuit Judge Absolutely Embarrasses CNN On Misinformation And We Are Here For It

3 months ago

Posted • November 13, 2024: Hang on, folks, because this is going to take a little bit of explaining to do. But we promise, when you understand what exactly is going on, you will see how gloriously this judge reamed out CNN and its lawyers when discussing CNN’s lack of devotion to the truth. You can start to get a sense of how bad this is went for CNN by reading this post: Read the full opinion if you enjoy seeing Fake News get legally eviscerated. https://media.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/files/202211270.pdf -- But to understand the full context, we have to rewind a bit. All of this goes back to February, 2021. Back then X was called Twitter because Elon Musk hadn’t bought it, yet. And as regular readers know, Twitter was extremely biased against conservative journalism. In addition to that, Project Veritas was under different management, too, because back then James O’Keefe was still in charge.

Thus, as the opinion states: “On February 11, 2021, Veritas tweeted a video showing its reporters trying to interview Guy Rosen, then a Facebook vice president, outside a residence. Neither the video nor the text of the tweet accompanying the video contained any information related to the street, city, or state where the attempted interview took place. That said, a house number could be seen in the background of the video.” -- We will note that all of the facts described in the opinion are alleged by Project Veritas and assumed for the sake of argument to be true by the court. If this goes to trial, Project Veritas will have to prove most of this is true. So, based on that very thin reed of ‘private information’ in the video, Twitter suspended Project Veritas’ account for allegedly violating of its ‘Private information policy.’ In other words, they accused them of doxxing. In its role as a cheerleader for censorship, CNN decided to report on this event and, at first, the reporting was accurate.

But, four days later, Cabrera and Brian ‘Potato’ Stelter had a discussion on air about the suspension where things got a lot less truthful. First Cabrera said: “We’re starting to see companies cracking down to try to stop the spread of misinformation and to hold some people who are spreading it accountable, Brian. For example, Twitter has suspended the account of Project Veritas, a conservative activist, uh, activist organization. At least that [is] how they couch themselves with followers … But this is part of a much broader crackdown, as we mentioned, by social media giants that are promoting misinformation.” The potato (Stelter) responded to her by saying: “Uh, yes … Project Veritas, a very controversial conservative group, uh, got swept up in a Twitter policy by violating multiple rules on the site.” -- Thus, the obvious implication was that Project Veritas was suspended for misinformation, which was false. Project Veritas’ lawyers demanded a retraction and a correction and CNN refused, so Project Veritas sued CNN for defamation. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Eleventh Circuit Judge Absolutely Embarrasses CNN on Misinformation and We Are Here for It

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