Fooled Again: Trump appoints Deep State War Hawks

3 months ago

Democracy is a SCAM which relies on massive Pysops attacks and manipulation of the American people and election cheating to achieve manufactured consent in everything from policies to "Democracy" itself. Billions in resources, time, and effort wasted in deceiving voters into thinking THEY choose the person who controls a $7Trillion budget and the US Military. Do you actually think that you decide that?

We are all deceived and manipulated and have been our ENTIRE life, but take Blacks as the best example. Look at all the money and resources spent for decades keeping them uneducated, poor, and on the Democrat plantation. What a WASTE of money and resources and a WASTE of much of 13% of our population, who could be contributing greatly to our society instead of living of off welfare. Most Whites are kept ignorant and poor too by the same wasteful process.

We are caught in the Psyop, "educated" class perhaps, regardless of race, but ill-educated, "informed" perhaps, but ill-informed, and intentionally so in order to be more easily manipulated by emotional Cultural Marxist agendas that create as many intentional divisions as possibly from Feminism to BLM/Racism to LGBT to abortion to Defund the Police to Gun Control to Immigration, and while we are distracted, each Party takes turns taking away our rights, robbing us blind, and stealing from future generations. As each side believes caricatures and demonizations of the other; people become raging maniacs who believe their fellow Americans are the enemy. Naturally this makes neither side see the Uniparty or the same control, policies, results, and beneficiaries regardless of party or see the Right-Left paradigm that is the framework of their deception. The 50/50 split also creates horse races across the board and BILLIONS coming in to influence elections nationwide, a very profitable business indeed and one that guarantees money and media determine elections.

The purpose of these intentional divisions is to be able to split the electric 50/50 and then be able to control the outcome of elections with Media and Financial backing that only needs to swing a few percent of the electorate. This also leaves politicians with little power. Disobey, and money and media can always come in to swing a percent or two and swing an election. No strong majority in Congress either. This makes the politicians CONTROLLABLE. If biased media and financial influence might not be enough to guarantee the desired outcome, like in 2020, there are many ways to cheat, and with what's at stake, thinking that cheating doesn't occur is historic level naive, especially during a pandemic election with never before seen levels of mail-in voting. As with influencing the electorate, with a 50/50 split, cheating involves only a few percent also, making it more easily achievable.

Achieving the 50/50 split involves taking the intentional divisions and highlighting or suppressing them accordingly along with funded, biased media narratives. The Main Stream Media, Hollywood and Academia exploiting race issues, especially in 2020, is a perfect example along with the massive media demonization of Trump and Trump supports as horrible, evil racists deserving of persecution, attacks, and open election theft in order to "save" Democracy. This is in stark contrast to 2024. In 2024. voters overwhelmingly shifted to the Right, rejecting Wokism and demonization narratives, but only after 4 years of mass immigration intended to maintain future 50/50 splits, oddly enough. But guess who else shifted to the Right in 2024, the power elite, the cabal described below. The cabal who brought us Wokism and mass immigration now offered a Conservative, pro-Zionist SOLUTION, amazingly enough, as they ran from the Woke Monster they created that turned on them over their Palestine genocide, and they guaranteed the election for the GOP and Trump; that's not a freebie; there are no freebies. A very convenient outcome, swimming WITH the political tide this election and not against like in 2020.

There will always be people in power, but the problem with this Democracy is the process explained above and the harm it actually causes. This is what this Democracy with ever-expanding, universal voting rights plus manipulated, vulnerable voters and votes has accomplished: a poor, stupid, gullible, degenerate nation funding the slaughter of innocents around the world and now $37Trillion in debt. Congratulations.

So how did we get here from what our Founding Father left us? Well, when America was founded, only property owners voted and they only voted for their state and federal representatives, NOT Senators, and NOT the President. Only Men voted also. And yes, Blacks were not allowed to vote. Of course all races should vote ... gender though? ummmm, it doesn't seem to be working out that well with the emotional manipulation element being so prevalent, since its a necessary element to creating the divisions.

Did you know the parts about property owners and only voting for the legislatures?

More Democracy has always been a means to an end, the destruction of Monarchies, Kingdoms, and Nations with their sovereign, unique culture and people, a goal of the Freemasons, and a necessary precursor to the destruction of traditional cultures and societies and eventually the family itself, on a path towards Bolshevism for the Capitalists and eventual One-World Government ... and all while the slaves actually believe they are the masters and beg for more enslavement. It is genius, production level genius, diabolically genius.

The Right & Left are both useful idiots who are unaware of the Hegelian Dialectics and the Psyops that we have been exposed to our entire life that control not just WHAT we think but HOW we think, along with distracting us from the cabal that oppresses, exploits, and controls us.

Trump is not your savior. Trump is the "Solution" part to the "Crisis-Reaction-Solution" Hegelian Dialectic Psyop constantly presented to the gullible American people. Trump is the "Solution" to the Mass Immigration and Cultural Marxism / Wokism CREATED by the VERY SAME people that now support him.

So who are the cabal? They are a collection of Intelligence Agencies in the US, UK, and Israel, Entrenched Bureaucracies, Domestic and International Financiers, (and likely some of their "largest clients") like Blackrock, JP Morgan, Golden Sachs, and Rothschild in the UK who exercise enormous financial power to control everything from corporations to economies to elections to politics to wars, and who use financial extortion like de-banking to control the masses too, and internationally the IMF and World Bank bribe world leaders, enslave their nations in debt, and rob them of their resources. The cabal's Intelligence Agents collect blackmailable info as offensive or defensive weapons of coercion, and have compromised, coopted, & partnered with the Legacy Media, Social Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Academia, Celebrities, Athletes, Influencers, Governments, including the Entrenched Bureaucracies that are the willing cabal foot soldiers and enforcers, like the DOJ, DHS, DHHS, FDA & CDC, and like the State Department and DoD internationally. The cabal meet and plan their manipulation, exploitation, and oppression in-person and in-surrogate via groups like the Bilderberg Group, the Council of Foreign Relations, the WEF, and others, many secret.

Looking at the cabal's demographics and associations, is it surprising if one might conclude, if one didn't know better or notice better, that the cabal kinda looks a mafia, but not one seen in Hollywood films oddly enough, more of a Jewish mafia?

Once again, there will always be people in power, but this process of Democracy with this mafia in control is dystopian. It is the suicide of our nation.

Americans were served up a choice between a GENOCIDE and Middle East wars that came with sides of anti-Wokism and anti-Immigration or more insane, divisive, radical Cultural Marxism and erosion of traditional, religious, and American values, cultures, societies, and individual liberties.

So now per the plan, the majority of Americans support that terrorist state of Israel that has murdered our sailors and marines and President even, and their allies in America that have robbed our Treasury, enslaved us in debt, bribed & blackmailed our politicians & everyone of power or influence, manipulated us into Banker War after Banker War with their false flags that Americans fall for. This time, the majority rejected the other side of the same Kosher coin, that LIES and manipulates us through the Media, that manipulates and corrupts our children through the Music industry and Hollywood, that divides our society through Immigration and Cultural Marxist causes like LGBT, BLM, and Feminism, that trashes our History, Founding Fathers, that HATES White people, Christians, Masculinity, Strong Fathers and Parents. So is it surprising if one might conclude, if one didn't know better or notice better, that no matter which side wins at any given time, no matter who wins, the Jews win? ... just wondering? ... asking for a friend named Logos.

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