Delusional 🧐🤔🤣🤣🤣

4 months ago

Apparently the WHO didn’t do anything
They didn’t require mandatory vaccinations
They didn’t require lockdowns
They didn’t ruin peoples economies
They weren’t the reason for people dying
No, absolutely not
The WHO did nothing of the sort

These genocidal maniacs actually believe people actually believe this

It’s almost like they think they can’t be seen 🤦🏼‍♂️

#teddyteddyteddy #WHO #Thewho #WorldHealthOrganization #Terrorists #evil #liars #lying #TheWHODidAllOfTheseThings
#AllLies #lies #davos #weirdos #pedophiles #freemasons #zionists #Geneva #Switzerland #German #Jews #Hatred #Murder #Murderers #genocide #democide #CriminalOrganization #thieves #witches #warlocks #cult #magik #AlesterCrowley #GoldenDawn #Shriners #Luciferians #Luciferianism #DevilWorship #EvilWorship #Hornedgod #Wargod #Jehovah #Imposter #TheHiddenTruths #Kabbalah #MagikSexCult #brainwashing #Brainwashed #control #misdirection #distractions #attractions #righteous

#conspiracies #christianGospel #news #alert #help #devils #demons #hatred #inclusion #LGBTQ #AI #Floods #Fire #LithiumMines #Lithium #TrendingNews #Viral #Download #share #expose #TheyAreTryingToChangeTheNarrative
#Schwab #WEF #CFR #UN #EU #LondonCity #Elites #Rich #trend #recommended #funny #hilarious #Delusional #crazy #ObviouslyLying #SerpentsTongue #Snake #Lucifer #LuciferianRituals #Luciferians #KhazarianMafia #IndoAryan #Jews #Crooked #Babylonians #childsacrifice #killers #TheWHOAreGenocideSupporters
#Israel #Palestine #Russia #China #USA #Lockdowns #ForcedVaccinations #ForcedInjections #ByOrderOfTheWHO #ForcedSterilization #ForcedAbortions #Poisoned #Tricked #YouWereLiedTo #Propaganda #FearMongering #ForcedExcutions #ForcedDeath #PeoplesChildren #YouLied #WHOIsSolelyResponsible #CovidLie #Covid19 #Fake #Plandemic #Pandemic #FakedPandemic #DOD #MilitaryWeapon #TestedOnCitizens #KarmaIsABitch #YourTimeIsComingToAGrusomeEnd #WarIsIminent #FIGHT #QuestionEverything #FKThesePeople #Slaughter #deadchildren #MurderedChildren #YoullPayDearly #TheFringeArmy #TheFringeTheorist82 #TheCaptin #FringeCaptin #FT #ShoutOut #Respect #Love #Honor #Faith #Confidence #WeGotThis

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