Why Wokeism is Dying and how it's Killing the Left (Good!)

2 months ago

Verily, dear sojourner, thou hast ventured upon an esoteric disquisition, an epistemological apotheosis elucidating the inherent futility and terminable vacuity of "wokeism," a ghastly chimera forged in the caliginous forges of Frankfurtian Negative Dialectics and "identity politics." Nay, it is no simple inquiry upon which we embark, but a venture into the arcane folds of sociocultural malaise, bedecked with the phantasmal trappings of victimological cant and collectivist pieties. This exposition aims to disentangle the misbegotten monstrosity that wokeism has become: a feckless ideological construct, rent asunder by its own interminable contradictions and impossible aspirations.

To wit, the recent electoral triumph of President Donald J. Trump in the year 2024—a political coup d'état of such monumental proportions that it rent asunder the quixotic illusions of Leftist ideologues—stands as an emblematic repudiation of this doctrinal absurdity. With Trump securing the popular and electoral vote and seizing dominion over both the House and Senate, a cataclysmic unraveling bespeaks the hollowness of "identity politics." That Latinos and other demographics, erstwhile relegated to the Democratic phalanx as presumed allies, would defect en masse to Trump exposes the sheer impalpability of expecting disparate factions to cohere under the nebulous banner of wokeism.

Herein lies the crux of this miasmatic conundrum: wokeism presumes, in its nigh-Kantian arrogance, that variegated groups, bound only by shared grievances yet bifurcated in values, shall miraculously coalesce and galvanize as a unified front. This expectation rests on a misapprehension so prodigious as to border upon intellectual insolvency. Is it not farcical, indeed, to presume that groups whose historical, cultural, and socioeconomic moorings bear scant resemblance to one another should uniformly capitulate to a monolithic voting bloc? Thus, wokeism proffers a series of ontological falsehoods, predicated upon a superficial unity, which belies the inherent discordance amongst these disparate factions. The Latino demographic, one can aver, shares scant concordance with the ideations espoused by the ultra-progressive woke intelligentsia, and yet wokeism naively presumes that these groups, who lack ontological commonality, will acquiesce to a singular ideological rubric.

This, indeed, is the fulcrum upon which wokeism collapses: its untenable supposition that it may convene a polyphony of grievances into a single harmonious resonance. In so doing, wokeism reveals its intellectual penury, for identity politics, that venerable weapon of wokeism’s arsenal, is doomed to unravel by dint of its own cacophonous plurality. By venerating disparate identities yet demanding monolithic conformity, wokeism descends into the abyss of incoherence, unable to sustain the paradox of unity amidst heterogeneity. This self-contradiction is no mere peccadillo; it is a philosophical cancer that metastasizes and ultimately obliterates the very movement it was intended to sustain.

Inextricably ensnared in the ideological manacles of Frankfurtian Dialectics and cultural Marxist distortions, wokeism has degenerated into an intellectual wasteland—a space where nuance and rationality are forsaken in favor of a rigid orthodoxy, which demands fealty without question. The Democratic Party, now but a hollow simulacrum of its erstwhile self, has succumbed to the siren song of identity politics, forsaking liberal principles and individual autonomy for the fleeting succor of collectivist hegemony. It is a sordid irony, indeed, that the so-called "Party of Progress" should, through its own tyrannical pursuit of ideological purity, alienate the very groups it presumes to champion. For the fractious chaos endemic to identity politics renders it innately inimical to sustainable progress, unable as it is to reconcile the myriad and oft contradictory demands of its constituent groups.

Thus, dear viewer, we reach the terminus of our inquiry with a somber recognition: wokeism, and the puritanical fervor that it inspires, is but a house of cards built upon foundations of sand. It seeks unity but fosters division, extolls diversity yet demands conformity, and champions progress yet stifles dissent. This self-devouring leviathan, an exemplar of ideological rot, shall assuredly implode, its remains scattered amidst the annals of history as a testament to the untenable absurdity of identity politics—a brief, inglorious dalliance with philosophical oblivion, which the Left, entranced by its own sanctimonious moralism, failed to recognize.

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