Trump's Cabinet Picks are Looking Stranger by the Minute | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

3 months ago

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What is going on with Trump's cabinet choices? Who's pulling the strings?

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Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


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well if you were hoping a new Trump Administration would put America First you might be sorely disappointed this
morning big trouble in Trump World in fact um who's pulling his strings is it
all the big money flowing in is that who's pulling his strings here first let me give you some of this news up front
this morning Trump selected South Dakota governor Christy gome to lead the Department of Homeland Security now this
is an interesting choice um she is a bit of a steady you know she's kind of like
steady you might see that you might see that as a positive sign and she's been a longtime Trump supporter so okay you've
got that you need loyalists around him which is which is true she's a Rancher
she's a farmer small business owner she became famous though when she re she of course refused to put a Statewide mask
mandate in place so like yeah no none of that craziness but she also famously
fabricated a story where she met with North Korean leader kin Jong-un of course that didn't happen and in back in
March you'll remember n also introduced a bill cracking down on criticism of
Israel what like in America you can't criticize a foreign country we CR I
criticize America all the time you we oh we can't criticize Israel can't do that
ensuring the security of God's chosen people was the name of it yeah ensuring the security of God's chosen people okay
shouldn't that be all of us right like no no it's just Israel Israel is God's chosen people so that's who will be your
new Department of Homeland Security head um up there from South car South Dakota
again we don't pull any punches on this show I'm just giving you the facts okay anyway she'll be in charge of ice and
her main responsibility will be close the border along with borders are Tom homman and get the 50 million illegal
immigrants out of our country stop the spread of fentol into our country so if
she does that I will applaud her wholeheartedly
despite her past trans uh transgressions okay I will support her wholeheartedly
if she secures our border makes America safe gets out the illegal immigrants in the United States and doesn't go
sideways she listens to what Trump wants follows his Le his follow his lead on
this and also listens to Tom homman fine we won't have any problems okay now the
really bad news uh Trump hasn't confirmed this yet to be clear we haven't had confirmation yet from the
Trump campaign I've messaged a couple of people there on the Trump side haven't gotten any 100% on this yet unless it's
happened within the last three minutes and I haven't noticed it so I apologize but according to reports Senator Marco
Rubio will be the Secretary of State okay now this is from The New York Times Trump expected to name Marco Rubio and
then Elon Musk tweeted shortly after this kind of news came out hey don't believe anything don't believe the
rumors until Trump confirms things on truth social okay so I'm not going to believe after which I backed off the
cliff because yeah I okay let's back this up um but there have been some
other troubling signs in the past few days with other choices so I'm not backing off the cliff entirely this
would be a disaster putting Israel first that would be Marco Rubio's plan warmonger also Ukraine first he is in
completely in the tank for continuing the war on Ukraine he doesn't care who dies so he's a warmonger he would be in charge of the state department means
pushing us into war with Iran Russia China this guy wants war in the worst
way and he's heavily funded in that way of course so that's why by the way Trump once said this about Marco Rubio Marco
Rubio is a total lightweight who I wouldn't hire to run one of my smaller companies a highly overrated
politician that is a before truth social that's a truth that's a truth we agree with that yeah that is a truth
absolutely can't forget that sir please and Rubio said this about Trump watch 5
days ago we began to explain to the American people that Donald Trump is a
con artist the party of Lincoln and Reagan and the presidency of the United States will never be held by a con
artist friends do not let friends vote for con artists and friends don't let friends vote for con artists I can just
tell you that a con artist is about take take over the Republican party and the conservative movement and we have to put a stop to it there is no way we are
going to allow a con artist to take over the conservative movement and Donald Trump is a con artist yeah con artist so
what the hell happened you know I Donald Trump is a forgiving person but I think it goes beyond that um wait wait wait no
liberals tell me he's not they they say he's got an axe to grind and he's going to go punish everybody that ever him
yeah so you then liberals could not have it both ways right that either he has an
a to grind and he's very V vengeful or he's not or he hires Marco Rubio that
those two things don't yeah I mean remember when Hillary CL when he beat when he beat Hillary Clinton he got in every was like you're
going to go you're going to lock her up right you're going to prosecute her yeah and he was like no we need to heal right so I don't think he's as vengeful as
people make him out to be and certainly after being shot in the head I think he's even less vengeful than that but anyway so what the hell happened here
but is there nobody else right that's my point first of all it hasn't happened 100% yet okay you may be watching this
later and find out that it's now been confirmed but we still haven't had confirmation for presid false or that
somebody else takes it who so what the hell happened here well money happened that's what happened Sheldon Aden of
course fully backed Rubio fully backed Trump hey Donald he'll be pro Israel so
pick this guy you know I floated a lot of money your way so is that exactly what's about to happen here or is there
another theory which is that they're floating this idea there's a leak somewhere right someone floated this
idea internally and it's a way to catch leakers within the Trump team could be
could be right a lot of big tech companies do that like apple does that they purposefully leak false information
to see who leaks it and then they know exactly who leaked it and then they fire that person could be I hope so Mike
Adams friend of the show he's tweeted this health Ranger Mike Adams says if Marco Rubio is named a secretary of
state then every single person who donated money to the Trump campaign should demand a refund and they should realize that Trump 2.0 is just Bush 1.0
neocon Galore endless Wars the swamp is in charge might as well ask Dick Cheney
to be sec Secretary of State at this point and then he goes on from there he says by the way he points out Jeffrey
Sachs would have been a great word Secretary of State or Dennis cinic definitely keep us out of Wars it's an
idea just so you understand what a deep State swamp rat Israel first Marco Rubio
is this is how much money he's taken from Israel look at all that money that
is a and by the way that's as a a of March of this year okay um here's a
maybe a better depiction of it okay that's Marco Rubio Michael Tracy
journalist Mar Michael Tracy says Marco Rubio would arguably be the most hardcore interventionist Secretary of
State for an incoming Administration in decades perhaps rivaling rivaling Hillary Clinton definitely outpaces Coen
pal who was in the relatively more realist faction of the George W Bush
Administration of course Co and pal got us into the Iraq War by Rel fake vile of
told us to go to war Ron Paul Rand Paul son of Ron Paul probably our best
US senator um right now uh agrees with the Hillary comparison watch War how do
you view Hillary Clinton in terms of her foreign policy views I see her as a neoconservative I see her and I see I
see her and Rubio as being uh the same person uh they both want to no fly zone they both have supported activity in
Libya the war in Libya that toppled Gaddafi an intervention that made us less safe they both have supported
pouring arms into the Syrian Civil War a mistake that I think allowed Isis to grow stronger and they both have
supported the Iraq War so I mean what's the difference so's what's the difference between Marco
Rubio what's the difference between Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton to ran Paul nothing nothing is different
between the two of them and I have to agree with them even Rand Paul's father this morning Congressman Dr Ron Paul
just released this a few minutes ago hey it uh the odds look pretty pretty good
that he he will become Secretary of State which I think will uh you know
lead to problems because there's two two different kinds of people in the world the way I see it when I want to simplify
it there are the authoritarians and there are the people who want to follow uh uh you know voluntarism and peaceful
means and I would put him into the category of authoritarianism because he's expressed
himself he want and his author authoritarianism doesn't mean that he beats up on people that's a personal
thing but authoritarians in politics is much much more deadly they have more power and they can do things they can
change the world they can they can uh especially in the Secretary of State they can set set the stage for a
conflict that becomes very real and very dangerous so yeah look what Anthony blinkin right
look what's going on right now in Ukraine look what's happening in the Middle East under the leaders ship of Anthony blinkin coming up in a few
minutes we're going to talk about Anthony blinkin who just went to Brussels right now to try to get more money for Ukraine because he's worried
about Trump coming in so they can set the agenda they can set the authoritarian agenda it's very very troubling and of course let me remind
you that Rubio was on the record multiple times about he he's almost as bad as Lindsey Graham in wanting to go
to war with Iran so if you don't get a deal what's the alternative do we have to go to war
is it necessary to be absolutely certain they don't they don't have a nuclear
weapon or the capability build one and I think that the the best way to have achieved that is to leave in place both
the unilateral sanctions and the international sanctions you combine that with a very clear demarcation to the
Iranian regime and that is this if you cross this threshold you will face military action on the part of the
United States we don't want that to happen but the risk of a nuclear Iran is so great that that option must be on the
table so if it came to that you would that would be an option that you would
actually absolutely because consider and and let me tell you why if we don't do it someone else will the Saudis are not
going to sit there and watch Iran build a Shia bomb without a Sunni bomb the Israelis are not going to sit there and watch a regime that calls for their
destruction develop the capability to do so but again we would hope to have avoided that point by severely limiting
and sanctioning Iran for its nuclear Ambitions and quite frankly I think this deal could literally lead to increasing
the the prospects for war but what you're saying here we cannot let Iran
become a nuclear power and we have to do whatever is necessary if that includes
going to war by the way if Iran absolutely first of all he looks like a manig uh second of all he that is the
policy of the Obama Administration which led to sanctions of Mass Destruction for eight years for a nuclear program that
we never were able to prove if you want to read about how demonic our sanctions
were with Israel read with Iran rather read the book uh the art of sanctions and you will be truly horrified at what
goes on on our behalf to innocent people innocent civilians and why we justify
that that's what the Obamas did that's how the Obamas waged War across the Middle East how is he serious about
this and the did did anybody else catch the I had the laugh where he said that
like if if Iran gets out of line and we don't go to war with them it's bad because if we don't someone some else
will else will right we've got to do it we've got to be the we can't miss an opportunity for war yeah exactly like
damn it somebody else bombed Iran damn it shoot we wanted to die for that cause
I mean not me personally but I wanted to send other people to die for that cause I wanted that to be me there's not drama
in this this is reality right now if he picks Marco Rubio you can expect a much
more hawkish foreign policy um and you know he reports that no he'll listen to Trump on why would you put a neocon in
there who's not aligned with your beliefs to end these wars why would you choose a Marco Rubio I have to hope that
they're just floating this out there to test the waters and they're not going to pick him as Secretary of State but maybe
by the time you're watching this he's already been selected and I would be stunned by this but here's one maybe upside is that he gets put in a
secretary of state and then he gets immediately fired by Trump but the the best part is is that DeSantis will then
get to pick a senatorial replacement in the State of Florida handpicked so
DeSantis will get to pick someone specifically to replace Rubio in the Senate um and that would be a great
thing get him out of the United States Senate so maybe there's a method to this madness I'm a GL that would be great I
like I'm glass have full kind of person so then you get him out of the Senate and you fire him from the state department and then he's gone forever
he's gone forever Little Marco bye-bye so uh Holly Harlot says
analysis I'm curious if the analysis you're talking about is Ron Paul Rand Paul me or anybody but just be you know
clarify Holly specifically what your thoughts are on this um and radar says Trump has not even been sworn in yet and
uh we're creating drama no we are panicked because we watch the warmongers and have been doing so so uh if this
Panic is unjustified we'll apologize for that and say phew we dodged it we dodged Marco Rubio is an amazing Secretary of
State he's ended all these wars it'd be amazing and again I will applaud him if that's the case but uh his track record
on this is pretty awful okay uh let's look at another appointment because Trump confirmed this disturbing pick
just hours ago uh he says he is happy to announce that Congressman Mike walls from Florida is appointed to serve as
National Security advisor he is the first Green Beret to have been selected
elected to congress and now he uh has also previously served in the White House in the Pentagon so he is a
republican Mike walls but he has said many times that his goals are to put Israel first he once boasted that Donald
Trump is the best president for Israel and now he's National Security advisor
so that would be great if he was National Security for Israel but how can you have alliances like this and
represent the United States this was posted just a a few months ago during the campaign and it's worth reminding us
where his priorities are President Trump has been the best the best president for
Israel and for the Middle East In Our Lifetime Isis defeated sulamani dead bag daddy
dead Iran was broke the terrorist proxies were the terrorist proxies were
all complaining they were out of cash he told China you keep buying from Iran you can't buy from
us we've passed sanctions Schumer won't take him up you want to talk about
election interference Schumer's interfering with Israel's elections we have have to get president Trump back in
as the commanderin-chief the Jewish Community needs it the world needs it America needs it and I just want to take
a moment to salute you and thank you it is it is relatively cheap and easy to
yell at the television argue with your liberal relatives over Thanksgiving uh and and post on social media get out
there roll up your sleeves donate your time donate your treasure and let's take
America back and let's stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the greatest
Ally we've ever known the state of Israel as we fight evil all over the world I thank
you I salute you let's fight and win okay now it's worth noting of course
he's at a Jewish Republican convention so he's fundraising from Jewish donors I
get that right it also is worth noting that I don't think it's fair to give the United States full credit for defeating
Isis at all uh the Iraqis had a large part in that and so none of us should be
Victor Victory lapping over Isis also it is fair to say that Donald Trump was
very pro-israel in his first Administration that is true he moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem uh while IDF
snipers shot Palestinian demonstrators at the time so uh is this indicative
that we will have more of that I don't think most people who voted for him wanted more of that so we need to watch
it obviously we need to yeah go ahead what I was just going to say I think we're getting to see the conditions of
adon's donation yeah right right exactly so you know wake up people again we're not you
know if you want like siop Fant um for your news Outlet then again you can you know turn on Fox or you can turn on any
of the you know the conservative stations like that but we're not going to we're going to hold these people to account and if they've gotten money from
these sources and that's how they to then roll out their agenda on us and put other countries before the United States
I have a problem with it uh Mike Waltz also by the way sold his company $25 million defense Contracting Company um
and he made $25 million off of it with this like spotty record on training Afghan um Afghan Security Forces so he
you know his defense contracting company made Millions off of it and sold it um fine he also did take a lot of money
from Apec so again we should hold these politicians to account and where this money comes from and how it drives these
politics and puts other countries first instead of the United States of America speaking of putting other uh countries
first you know the Biden Administration has a Ukraine first policy of course and of course the Biden Administration right
now is freaking out because Trump won and so they are planning to ask a lot more money for Ukraine before Trump
takes office now Trump has said he will end this war um and and cut off the spot
he there's no love loss between JD Vance and and zalinski I hope that this is the
case this is one of the big reasons to have supported Trump is to end this war in Ukraine and the massive billions of
dollars that have been flowing there but the Biden Administration is like wait a second we've got to figure out a way to keep the money flowing to Ukraine so
Biden is going to ask for more money for Ukraine he's going to call on the United States Congress and Donald Trump to not
walk away from the Ukraine conflict the White House is reporting US President Joe Biden will appeal for continued
funding for Ukraine's war effort against Russia uh according to RT and the
remaining months in office White House National Security adviser Jake Sullivan told CBS news on Sunday about this the
bid Administration intends to use all of the money appropriated by Congress for Ukraine related spending before Donald
Trump takes office in January like basically speed up speed up all of the money that's flowing through there um
meanwhile Anthony blinkin is heading to Brussels today for talks with European allies concerned that president-elect
Donald Trump could abandon Ukraine in its war with Ukraine so blinkin is heading to Europe trying to get them
making sure that they can kind of solidify European support and all the money flowing into Ukraine and as we
were talking as well there's a plan to try to make this Trump Aid this Aid by Biden Trump proof right in order to keep
Trump from Rolling it back well that's one of the things that CNN was reporting over the weekend I don't exactly know
how you would do that and they've been speaking about this all throughout the election cycle saying if we lose the
White House we need to make sure that Aid to Ukraine continues how can
you possibly do that especially because as we talked about yesterday most Foreign Wars are funded on debt and
created money out of thin air so you can't force an entire nation of people to keep taking on debt and creating
money out of thin air there is a there is a mechanism in place to stop that
whether or not Congress has the appetite for it or president Trump does is another thing entirely um and just real
quick this is a very odd piece that Moon of Alabama covered they do amazing journalism there why is the Washington
Post reporting that a trump Putin call took place when it didn't and the
Washington Post pushed this story and it's a fake story and they pushing that
Trump uh was on the phone with Putin right after he won and even the Kremlin says that didn't happen and even at the
same time it was happening Putin was giving a speech like he was like on television when the alleged phone call
took place um Putin said yeah I'm open to it if he wants to call me I'm I'm happy to have a call call with him but
he hasn't happened the Trump campaign says it hasn't happened the Washington Post though is like reporting this and
they put a whole bunch of numbers in this report about how you know he he he reiterated to Putin that we have 50,000
soldiers in Europe kind of ready to go is this like a piece of like War propaganda from The Washington Post it's
really really bizarre um and even like the Ukrainian government says it didn't happen so like where did this story come
from how did this get planted in the Washington Post it's like a very curious story anyway I encourage you all to read
it Moon of Alabama does a great job on that but I wanted to drop that in because it's just very mysterious why
they would do that maybe not so much um you're surprised that the Washington Post is lying it's like a CIA are you
knew here honey I mean it's a CIA front group right so it's the New York Times so they just drop these stories in like
Hey we're we're we want to remind you Putin we've got 50,000 soldiers there and Trump's very you know bullish still
on Ukraine and we're not giving up we're not giving up on Ukraine just yet where did this come from there was no phone
call anyway okay uh well the press is calling Melania Trump rude because she
turned down an invitation to go for tea the first lady's tea now it's a
long-standing tradition that the incoming first lady is in invited to tea
by the outgoing first lady that did not happen in 2020 it did happen in 2016 now
apparently Jill Biden has extended the invitation through her surrogates I don't know how personal it was and
Melania Trump doesn't want to go and so what do you think is that rude or is
that fair I wouldn't want to go I don't think I would enjoy myself uh according to sources she turned it down because
the Biden Administration launched a raid on her house and recall that we had reports that her personal closet was
something that they went through extensively and she does not forgive them for that although I said on the
show I would love to see what is in melania's closet because because um her wardrobe is fabulous but again that's I
should not have the right to do that and the Biden Administration probably should not have done it either according to a
source from the New York Post uh this is the source saying she ain't going uh
Jill Biden's husband authorized the FBI snooping through her underwear drawer the bidens are disgusting so she does
not want to do that uh and so we'll see it's it it remains to be seen how much
she wants to do this time around because the Press was just terrible to her um
the F future first lady she expressed some resentment over the raid saying it
made her very angry and she called it an invasion of her privacy the raid on Mara
Lago the house manager texts you and says the FBI is outside the house they
had access to my bedroom closets office and rummage through my personal items
ever even searched Baron's room you say so how invasive was that did it make you
angry how did you feel yeah it made me angry yes invasion of
privacy and um the way it was done um was I was really surprised and
you told your house manager just leave it don't touch anything don't put it back you wanted to see it for your own
eyes what with your own eyes what did what did it looked like when you walked back in your house that had been
raided I saw unpl and stuff that nobody wants to see it and you get angry
because you know nobody should be uh putting up with that kind of stuff
some person I don't even know who or how many people they you know they went
through my stuff yeah uh so a judge has dismissed
this case we know about over this raid uh that happened and she is clearly not
over it and so you have to think about you know how would you feel if you felt like this was a political attack on your
husband and your own personal items had been gone through um also what's a house manager I want one of those that's me
it's this guy the house manager clean up your crap
kids put those bags school bags away pick up your shoes off the it's a house manager it's the modern term for but for
Butler they no longer use was a house manager oh okay house manager that's
cool like a house elf need to get me one of those um all right well one of the enduring mysteries of this election is
what happened to Biden's 81 million votes keep this up on the screen if you would Phillip because take a look at
this okay KLA Harris got the same amount of votes roughly as Barack Obama did
back in 2012 and Hillary Clinton but Joe Biden blew them all away I mean I mean
it was not even close right 81 million he's the greatest president in American
history apparently right the popular the popularity of Biden was just off the charts you could feel it right when you
were at the shopping mall everyone was talking about Biden everywhere you went you couldn't even sit down and have a
meal because the excitement of Biden it was just overwhelming so where did all
of those votes go this time uh I'm very curious about this and I hope we get to
the bottom of those missing 20 or so million votes that never went to kamla
Harris but somehow voted for the excitement of Biden during a pandemic by the way mailin votes you didn't have to
leave your home it was so convenient to vote for Biden so where did they all go and why were they held back this time
that's what I want to know is it because it was too big it was too big of a turnout that they realized there's no
way we can pull this off they realized there's absolutely no way we can shove in these additional votes here because
no one's going to vote for comma let's be honest so Jim Jordan um wants
Congressman Jordan wants to know exactly where those millions of votes went watch as Dana Bash tries to Corner him on like
election fraud and all of these questions about it and he just brings up the simple question where do these millions of votes
go at voting fraud this time it seems to me that Republicans claim voting fraud
and election Integrity when you lose and not when you
win no I mean again as I said before this election I think was um
the greatest political comeback we've ever seen I he did something that even Teddy Roosevelt couldn't do for goodness
sake um and the country you think election no no this this election he
just interviewed the the Latino uh I think uh restaurant owner or a restaurant worker and uh he said he was
tired of all the woke stuff this election was real simple you had back-to-back administrations we got something we very seldom get in American
history American American politics backtack administrations now running for the top job and people could do a direct
comparison and they said we like what we had under President Trump versus but last time around we like we like the
Safe Streets versus the rec leader claim that there were problem
SEC border versus the UN the open border right those are those are Poli that's what this election was about that's
that's totally fair but last time around it wasn't so much about the policy
differences or the personality differences there were there was there were false claims about election fraud
When Donald Trump lost this time Donald Trump won and you think the election was free and fair you see there's a little
bit of a no I think the Democrats got to ask why why did we go from getting 81 million to getting 70 million what
happened to those 10 million people maybe they need to maybe it's not smart to run an election where you have no vision no record to run to call the
other side names do you believe that the 2024 election was free and fair I do I do and why was it different from 2020
when he lost is that the only difference no there were concerns about 2020 with all the mailin voting that happened you
know what Pennsylvania had like 2 something million mailin ballots come in without any signature verification which
was required Under Pennsylvania statute so there were all kinds of concerns with how the 2020 election was carried out
but there was absolutely the biggest the biggest question Democrats ask what happened to the 10 million voters that
Joe Biden got that didn't come out for comma Harris a bunch of them president Trump's numbers were right up where they were in 2020 but the Democrats were much
lower I think it's because they had no vision no record to run on and they just wanted to call everyone names turns out
when you when turns out when you when you you tell people oh you're uh fascist racist deplorable garbage they don't
like that and then when you use law fair to go after their candidate they don't like that either that's why they came out so on top of the the economy on top
of the price of gas top of the inflation that's why they voted for President Trump we're out of time I just okay two
things why did she have him on if she doesn't want him to talk right second thing that's an absolutist argument
there is fraud in every election full stop why does the justice department have 90 field offices to investigate and
prosecute this do those lawyers just sit there like twiddling their thumbs in plain Solitaire what what do they do
they they prosecute fraud that happens every election so you can't say there's
only fraud in the ones that we like and we're going to deny the ones that Republicans are talking about what is
that issue is what fraud do we pay attention to and do we catch and we prosecute and allow that's it so she's
asking really ignorant questions that's really stupid interview maybe you could if you wanted to you could buy her brand
new book Donna bash has a brand new book out it's called deadly America's deadliest election Dana Bash could you
imagine reading a book by Dana Bash no I would I read books by Rachel mat I read books by people that I don't like all
the time just to I don't want to miss what their arguments are um side note on the but I would get it at the library
I'm not going to give her any money side note on the CNN piece reports today that CNN is laying off tons of people and so
is MSNBC like high-profile people is Caitlyn Collins out of a job um Anderson
Cooper so no no I see multiple like a lot of their star Talent they're Stars
uh because their viewership is just plummeted no one wants to watch their crap anymore so they're going to just
have to lay off a whole bunch of people anyway MSNBC and CNN that's reportedly today go ahead David is is the her book
about the Trump election which election is that about the most dangerous one just out of curiosity um she it was
about it was about the election of 1872 and it's a cautionary tale about the the
election of 1872 and how we should make sure that we don't have that similar Civil War in the United States because
of like you know that type of an leader of course oh you would think that someone who wrote a book about election
fraud would know that it happens every election you would think you would think okay uh all right I'm annoyed by that
Oprah Winfrey says that reports that she was paid $1 million to endorse kamla Harris are quote not true but you can
look at the FEC website the federal elections commission website and you can find that actually her production
company Harbo Productions did receive $1 million this you can find all on your
own now here is Oprah being asked by TMZ just yesterday and she was asked hey are are you super
excited about the election and she says I'm not going to talk about that do you still support KL Harris I don't want to
talk about that uh and then she said and then the reporter asks well what about reports that you received $1 million and
she says not true uh now those charges that F those two charges of
$500,000 no doubt relate relate to the unite for America live stream which she did in Michigan to Rally Michigan voters
to vote for kamla Harris it didn't work Michigan went for Donald Trump handily
uh but she still had celebrities like Jennifer Lopez Merill Streep Julia Roberts Chris Rock and Ben Stiller all
Shilling for kamla Harris now of course over has a big production company people
work for her who deserve to get paid Also let's take a look at her setting up for this live stream the set clearly is
expensive and she has to pay her staff so let's think about whether or not what we see here is worth $1 million we're
just hours away from 8:00 p.m. eastern time where we're in Michigan and we have
a thousand screens everywhere you see those little heads there and 400 people
in the audience for what we are hoping is going to be one great big
giant voter rally so getting people registered getting people inspired
getting people fired up uh to vot on number 5th with uh Kaba harus here as
our special guest if you know somebody tell somebody come to the voting rally
in Michigan on Virtual right now some live seats some people live all over the
country thank you so much see you at 8 pm eastern
time all right DAV phip yeah I want to ask your I want to ask ask your um
technical knowledge yeah because you guys set up streaming sets for a living so do you think that was I want to hear
what you have to say but do you think that was about a million dollar production oh probably yeah yeah I mean
thousand scams and all that stuff yeah but I she said statement was go ahead pH
oh no when she said a thousand screens at first I was like what the hell is she talking about I was I like like jumbotrons or something but no she was
talking about the sorry my phone ring uh she was talking about the all the the virtual ins but still yeah I could say a
million dollars for that yeah okay go ahead and she called her Kamala harrus that's racist is like didn't we
intentionally mispronounce her name yeah yes yes she did you're right so okay
that was not a free endorsement of kamla Harris that was a business deal for her production company and it didn't work uh
it turns out that people in the districts don't vote with people in the capital that's another Hunger Games
reference that I hope you get because yeah that was all people in the capital telling people in the districts how and
it's hilarious how much that failed I'm loving it now KLA Harris is being
excoriated online for the state that she has leaving her campaign finances in now
in his book Ron Paul wrote this his book end of the FED he said this about campaign debt he said there was no
campaign debt in any of his campaigns because he had a firm rule never end a
campaign with debt if you lose the election the debt becomes your not the campaign so are we taking bets
whether or not KLA Harris will personally take that 20 million deficit
on her own balance sheet I'm going to say not especially since she didn't put herself into that campaign anyway it was
some kind of globalist forces that issued a coup against Joe Biden so do you think that maybe she'll split it
with Tim Walls will she do this upstanding thing that Ron Paul has always done one popular Tik Tok user
says that we should troll celebrties to get that money back watch so Cala
Harris campaign is in $20 million in theole this is after the campaign had
raised over a billion dollars and y'all out here having all of these temper tantrums cutting off your hair no sex no
kids no marriage for a woman that couldn't even manage her own campaign funds now just imagine if she would have
been president and how she would have managed taxpayers money we saw how y'all
was so proud in raising all of this money earlier this summer for her campaign breaking records y were
bragging about it all over the social media platforms just for her to just wander it all away I think we know where
all of that money went it was a lot of celebrities that came out and showed out for her for some money they was getting
paid so apparently a lot of vendors haven't been paid just yet because they
ain't got no money and while there's a civil war that is erupting in a Democratic party right now they've been
blaming one another for the loss of Camala Harris they've been blaming Biden Pelosi Obama pretty much is you know got
on the jet nobody knows where he's at hasn't said anything these people still want their money to get paid so instead
Trump tweets out how we ended our campaign with plenty of money so we'll
foot the bill of Camala Harris campaign but y'all say he's a racist so instead
of y'all wasting all of y' energy over here and doing all this crazy stuff why don't y'all step in for the little guy
since y'all say that this is you know the party of the Working Class People and the party of the little guy that's
what y'all say the Democrats are and as these celebrities that she has given all
this money to to perform for y'all or do a 4 minute speech for y'all give the
money back to the campaign so that they can pay the little guys why don't you do
that go troll the celebrities this is just crazy you know but y'all
keep on having your little temper tantrums and everything instead of focusing and looking at the real
problems why people did not vote for her and this was one of them so deal with it
Trump is your president all right y'all have a good one okay uh so her uh Tik Tok name if
you want to follow her is seest Gardens 22 now Oprah is in fact getting trolled and she doesn't like it it turns out but
I'm sure she will be back for another candidate in four years she very much feels like she sold you Obama she's
wondering why she wasn't able to sell you kamla Harris but uh she'll try again so don't get excited we reported earlier
today that CNN and MSNBC are about to have mass layoffs because their ratings are plummeting the trust in the media is
at an all-time low and that's where our friends over at Ground news come into play because we use them every day to
it's a it's an amazing service because what happens is we love using their website and to basically easily find the
truth behind any story so if you're interested in the the immigration story we just talked about they aggregate
related articles from across the world in one place and then they provide context about each source's political
leanings how reliable their reporting is and most importantly their ownership so you know who owns those Publications you
know is this uh multi-billionaire out of someplace that owns that publication I mean you can literally check out their
story for instance on MSNBC producer that admitted the network is doing all they can to help kamla Harris win I mean
this is amazing you can study that only one liberal Source covered this and they're from outside the United States
no liberal media in America reported the story it's kind of crazy right so you can actually study and understand how
they're manipulating the stories and ground news does all of that for you to help you put it all in one place it's a
great really shows you like sort of the blind spots where you're getting your information so if you've got a a friend
who shares things on Facebook you can send them to ground news and tell them no no no no you need to study my friend
get 50% off right now you can just scan that QR code on the screen right there
you can go to ground. newws it's it's ground. newws redacted get 50% off
their Vantage their top tier Vantage plan it's something that we use every day here on the show it's a great great
service ground. newws redacted so thanks for supporting the show appreciate it

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