No need for Thompson confession. Now replacing head of agencies!

2 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Listener question: Regarding CDC whistleblower, William Thompson with the new administration., is there any hope of getting him to testify before Congress, to tell his story regarding the fraud with the CDC MMR study?
Del Bigtree: The truth is that he testified behind closed doors. There's some nuance to this story. Ironically, as we were going to ACIP meetings and things, I had an opportunity to meet with him a few times. He actually really does care about children. He cares about these issues. And every once in a while, he'll send me a little note of something that I should be looking for. I think that hearing is something you do in order to try and bring attention to the conversation. There's a lot of issues around that hearing that I think were already passed. We have just jumped to a whole other level. We're talking about being able to rebuild the regulatory agencies the United States of America, and really just get to the bottom of the evidence that we know is there and get it out to the people and make the changes that need to happen. That hearing was always a hope to try and spark something close to this. I will tell you yesterday I was saying to Aaron Siri, in all of our plans, in all of our discussions about all the lawsuits, and we had sort of like a 10 year plan. COVID clearly accelerated a lot of the work that we were doing. But I said to Aaron, after we've sued the regulatory agencies and bothered them for seven years, we'll just take over the regulatory agencies and put the right people in power, in place to do good science. I would just say that's crazy talk. We are in a whole other world now!

11/07/2024 - TheHighwire: Del answers questions post-elections:

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