Starlink Mini vs The Garmin Mini & iPhone Emergency Satellite Services

3 months ago

You can get yourself a Starlink Mini (or get more info about it) here:
You can get the 80,000mAh battery pack that I use with my Starlink, here:
Get the Starlink Mini Magnetic Mount here: (make sure your hood is steel and not aluminum!)
You can see where I was when I made the video-call via the Starlink on Google Maps, here:
In this video I explain some of the differences between a Garmin Mini (Garmin Mini 2), the new iPhones that support satellite emergency calls, and the Starlink Mini dish and internet service. I talk about my needs for getting emergency help when off-grid while off-roading and I explain why a GMRS or ham radio is not a very good option to get immediate emergency help when off-roading, hiking, or any time you are off-grid.
**I paid full price for everything shown in this video**
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