I Know For a Fact that Luciferians Are Poisoning People in Restaurants

2 months ago

I began exposing the corruption in politics over twenty years ago... 18 years ago the Freemason/Luciferians identified my efforts to inform my communities and then "unseen people" began to poison my restaurant and pub meals and drinks.

Luciferian is a general term for brainchip-hivemind minions like Freemasons and Eastern-Star Initiates to the Mystery School cUlt. All secret societies are at different degrees of their Luciferianism. They run Western Civilization from the shadows...
Luciferians are trained from a young age that they are the sheepdogs who cull the sheep.
If you have not joined a secret society, then you are considered one of the sheep, no matter how wealthy you may be.
Pubs even have dispensers that can electronically poison a drink without the bartender or waitress knowing the drink is poisoned.
You will often find Freemasons and Luciferians owning the local restaurants and definitely the ones that serve alcohol will have someone on staff part of the cUlt, just so the NWO-takeover has all the bases covered.
Almost every place I have a second beverage... it will be tainted with something nefarious added to it. Even if I watch it poured... the point of entry of the poison would have to be within the dispensing mechanisms.

Now, that the NWO Luciferians and Homo capensis masters are about to spring the takeover-trap with brainchip-sleepers and invaded illegals everywhere... poisoning are going to go through the roof once the Masonic police no long uphold the old laws... they will suddenly become communists... they will stop acting to be "peace officers" they will become Freemason Law enforcers for Islam or Noahide laws... depending where you live.
Non-cUlt-sworn people everywhere in the West will become the target for persecution.

Rex is just beginning to open his eyes and he is catching-onto the system pretty quickly. It will be much more difficult to poison him again... but Luciferians are now lacing magnetic nano-particles into processed drinks and foods you buy from the grocery stores. This allows magnetic non-lethal weapons to render anyone unconscious using nano-tech inductively powered by ambient microwaves everywhere. Notice the clouds are usually in waves from the microwave interference in the troposphere? Now, Starlink will send the microwaves where needed is the cellulare towers power down. The wicked Luciferians are getting ready to spring their trap and attack with all their brainchip-hivemind thUgs itching to murder..

The Luciferians are secretly watching if celdar surveillance nano-tech is in the area... it sees through concrete walls many feet thick... they watch what you are doing in what you falsely think is "your privacy." They watch which hand you use on the toilet, too. https://old.bitchute.com/video/IsXzS60byDwU/

Let this be one of your wake-up calls...

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36KxUl65WxE

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