8 Bottlenose Dolphins Killed - This is Japan

3 months ago

By Megumi Matsuda, Tuesday, November 12, 2024:
It’s sunny today and the waves are 1.5 meters high.
A small pod of Bottlenose dolphins, estimated at 10, were driven into the Cove.
Initially, hunters prepared 4 slings and caught 4 dolphins for captive selection. However, 2 empty slings placed on skiffs and brought to the harbor earlier.
2 skiffs carried about 6-7 dead dolphins first, so it was expected that there would be a selection process of up to 4 dolphins afterwards.
But it was very quiet under the tarp and something weird. While we were waiting, the Coast Guard returned to harbor and the nets were removed from the Cove.
By that time, all the dolphins had already been killed…
As a result, checking the photos taken by Kunito, there were 8 bodies taken to the slaughterhouse at the harbor. (2 skiffs carried 4 each.)
And there were no captives. Hunters had killed the whole pod, contrary to our expectations.

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