ROMANS # 377, Believing in Jesus Christ once is all it takes for eternal salvation. (11-12-24)

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Sanctification is a technical theological term for the status quo of the royal family of God in three phases of the God’s plan. The term means to be set apart to God for a special purpose. The Royal Family of God consists of all Church Age believers who are set apart to God in three distinct phases.

Phase 1 Salvation Our position before God is secure through Positional Sanctification which makes us acceptable to God. All believers have eternal security because our positional standing depends on God, not us.

Phase 2 Time Phase 2 covers the time after we are saved until we die. All believers have the potential to be Experientially Sanctified in Phase 2, but few make it because it takes consistent study and application of Bible Doctrine to reach spiritual maturity. They are the ones who will experience the rewards and Super-Grace Blessings of Experiential Sanctification.

Phase 3 Eternity Phase 3 covers eternity where those who experienced Experiential Sanctification and Super-Grace Blessings on earth, can experience Ultimate Sanctification who will receive Surpassing-Grace Blessings for all eternity.

Romans 15:17 Therefore in Christ Jesus I have found (v.pai) reason for boasting in things pertaining to God.

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