Trump Vows to End Censorship. Some Important Subjects Covered. The New American 11-11-2024

3 months ago

Trump Vows to End Censorship. Some Important Subjects Covered. The New American 11-11-2024
WTF Not End Big Tech's Perpetual Spying, Theft and Sale of Our Private Data As Well? Gee, that may not fly so well with his Billionaire Donors. After all, Private Data is Considered the New Gold. Well, it is OUR PROPERTY and Protected by the Constitution and I haven't even heard Trump say Anything About Protecting us from it.
See My Report on Susan Wiles, Now Trump's Chief of Staff
Many of you thought I was Exaggerating About the Secret Power of Susan Wiles.
Now that she is Trump's Chief of Staff are any of you still laughing???
The Question is: Is She Running the Show???
Susan Wiles: The Most Feared Yet Least Known Female Political Operative in America Who Runs Team Trump
***Trump names his picks for UN ambassador, (A Hardcore Zionist Neo-Con)***
November 11th, 2024
The New American
Corporate Monopolies and Rule by the Rich is one of Our Biggest Threats. Why the Hell is Trump NOT Even Talking About Fixing That??? Seriously
And Trump's Vow to End Funding to Universities for Anti-Zionism should Extremely Concern You...
Have you ever noticed, the New American is Great About Calling out the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and Communism, BUT NEVER TALK ABOUT THE ZIONIST TAKEOVER OF AMERICA???
See 14 minute mark:
What he is saying about a Free Market for Publishing by Big Tech is ALARMING. Saying Social Media Sites have the Right to Decide WHAT They Publish on Their Platforms would Mean YOU would Not Have the Right to Publish What They Don't Want. HELL NO. That is Not Only Censorship, But Banishment... His extremely Jewish Looking Guest also Supports the ideas. This would literally End All Debate and Separate the Left and the Right. And Extremely Bad Idea...
But Gee. Wouldn't that also ISOLATE Those who expose the most powerful Content they Don't Want Anyone to See.
I can Shure as hell see why the Zionists and Globalists would LIKE THAT...
In a fiery policy speech over the weekend re-tweeted by RFK, Jr., Trump vowed to end censorship, including all government collusion with Big Media.
Also in this episode:
Trump has spoken to Putin
Alex Newman talks about his trip to the COP29 Climate Summit. The UN gears up for COP29 climate conference this week in Azerbaijan
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