RFK Jr. : The climate crisis is being used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls

3 months ago

06/05/2023 In an interview that was removed by YouTube, RFK Jr. said: “[The climate crisis] is being used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls, the same way that the Covid crisis was.” “And it's the same people... It's the World Economic Forum, it's the billionaires' boys' club at Davos, and it's the same kind of cabal of people who will use every crisis to stratify society toward greater power for the super rich... and less power for everybody else.”
#VaccineMandates #ClimateChange #Totalitarianism #WEF #Davos #RFKJr
06/05/2023 在被YouTube下架的一场采访中,小罗伯特·肯尼迪表示:“气候危机被用作加强极权控制的借口,就像新冠危机一样。 是世界经济论坛,是达沃斯亿万富翁俱乐部,也是同样的一群人,他们会利用每一次危机将社会分层,让超级富豪的权力更大,而其他人的权力更小。”
#疫苗强制令 #气候变化 #极权主义 #世界经济论坛 #达沃斯 #小罗伯特·肯尼迪

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