2024: KJB Biblical Christianity is under attack from within.

2 months ago


Movies: White Vs Black? Division?

No. Friends working for the same purpose and plan to 2030.

Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.


Movie: Gladiator. Black vs White.
Movie: Wicked. Black vs White.
Movie: Sinner. Comes out 48 days after Trumps inauguration 20.1.2025.

No Right wing politics vs Woke progressive Left in the King James Bible.

Only Wheat and Tares, Shepherds and Idol Shepherds, Hell Bound unforgiven Sinners and Forgiven the Redeemed in Christ, True Converts and False Converts, False church and False another Jesus, False Gospel teachers, Righteous and the Wicked, those that Understand and the Wicked.

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