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Elijah Streams - Take The Arrows! Session 3 - Andrew Whalen - Captions
A prophetic gathering featuring prayer, worship, and messages from Christian leaders about the spiritual battle and revival in Oregon and America. Lori Irion, a chaplain at the Oregon Legislature, shares her vision for the entire legislature's salvation by 2024 or 2025. Andrew Whalen discusses a series of prophetic dreams about revival, the sign of Jonah as a symbol of resurrection and hope, and calls for believers to dream with God to access heavenly realms and miraculous possibilities. The program ends with a powerful prayer for America's revival and a symbolic reference to the 'rise' of Batman as an analogy for the nation's spiritual awakening.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 10-25-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
The Sign of Jonah: Prophecy, Dreams, and Resurrection Power in America
In this impactful episode, join the congregation as they engage in worship, prayer, and prophetic declarations. Chaplain Lori Irion shares her vision for the salvation of the Oregon Legislature, highlighting the positioning of prayer warriors and mature Christians for an unprecedented move of God. Andrew Whalen takes the stage, sharing dreams and prophetic words that emphasize dreaming with God and accessing heavenly realms. Through powerful testimonies and vivid dreams, Andrew encourages believers to break free from oppressive narratives and embrace their divine inheritance. The episode concludes with a stirring declaration over America, calling for the rise of resurrection power and the manifestation of the sign of Jonah across the nation.
00:00 Opening Worship and Introduction
02:08 Prayer for Oregon Legislature
03:40 Lori's Vision for 2024
05:07 Blessings and Prayers for Oregon
06:19 Andrew's Dream and Message
07:38 The Power of Dreams and Prophecy
11:30 Testimony of Healing and Faith
16:22 Accessing Heavenly Realms
20:43 Dreams and Prophetic Declarations
28:35 The Sign of Jonah and Future Prophecies
36:05 The Viral Word and the Sign of Jonah
37:04 A Revival of Hope and Destiny
39:03 The Great Exodus and Psalm 126
41:58 The Significance of the Sign of Jonah
44:17 A Principal's Miraculous Recovery
52:41 Dreaming for America's Future
Join ElijahStreams and your host Steve Shultz for an in-person, one-day, four session event of prophecy and worship with Johnny Enlow and Andrew Whalen, with worship by Steve Swanson!
We’ve recently updated the schedule of events. We now have FOUR sessions instead of Three!
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We're going to pray for and alongside with Lori Irion. I'm going to have her talk for just a moment. She is a chaplain at the Oregon Legislature. One of two chaplains if I if I understand that right. Um we we really I want to just add this before we pray. Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce were here years ago and they declared that Oregon would take down Jezebel. Come on. Yeah. And I think we did that but and Danny if you have anything to add to that come on up let me let's go ahead and pray well come on Danny let's do it now if you got and nothing okay we were just talking about I want to make sure he if he had anything else but that was an amazing thing he said you and he several people came up to me and reminded me of that including my wife and he said Oregon you got the Jezebel card and so they've been waiting for us it was in this building where that was declared and prophesied so we did it guys thanks a lot he didn't even know there so go ahead I'm going to ask Lori to give us a quick report just very quickly in 2023 the lord and I were having a discussion and he said you haven't asked me yet what you can't think you know where it says ask everything that you know hope or and and then it says in the things you can't think and I was like well how can I ask you what I can't think And so he I I said what is it Lord? He said I want the entire Oregon Oregon Legislature to be saved. Yeah. And so I thought it it would happen last this year in 20 twenty-four. I've declared it with every prayer group I'm in. It didn't happen because God was positioning people throughout the legislature. He has brought in you know I can't go into details but some mighty prayer warrior, mature Christians. There are some very mature ones running for office right now. Come on. So our part is to be in agreement with him. That they'll all be saved, to pray, and declare that and to reach out to them even if they're on the dark side because the only way things change is if the dark side comes into the light. So, that's what I've got the conservatives in the legislature urging them to do now is to pray for those who hate them and so we just we as a people as of God need to pray for them to reach out to them and to encourage your legislators, they're working hard and I believe twenty twenty-5, we declare that all the Oregon Legislature shall be saved in Jesus name. Extend your hand towards us. Lord, in the name of Jesus, by the authority that we carry in this body, in the name of the father, son, and the Holy Spirit, we call in the lost sheep of the house of the Oregon Legislature. Let it, let them come. Let those who are weary and broken and hurting and and afraid and confused and and every other kind of trauma-induced situation. Lord, we call them in. We say come in and hear feel the love of the Father that he's calling you home. We bless the house. We bless the senate of Oregon. We bless our people. Lord as one who was born in Pendleton, Oregon as a native Oregonian. I stand, we stand for the House of Oregon. We just bless them in the name of Jesus and bless Loris and Lori. Bless Lorila in all that she's doing door after door after door after door open for her to speak the word of the lord and Jesus name we pray and bless him. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. Alright. Let's bring Andrew up here. Give him a hand. Give this guy a hand. Back to back do some more roaring. Sorry, just getting my notes here. And I'm putting my gum on my drink so don't look. Sorry. Yeah. It's pretty nice. Live streamed and all. Here we go. Alright. Dush Bros is heavenly though. Well, I had a dream on Monday about this gathering. And I was wondering what it was I was supposed to my pardon and this was and where do I start? Well, maybe I'll start with that and then I'll jump around down on my notes and back up to the middle and back. We'll see. So, I'll start with that. Monday, I had this dream and I saw that we were at this gathering and there were young and old gathered There's nobody old here I saw. So, and don't claim that you're old, okay? Don't claim it. Actually, can I be honest? I I hope so too. The lord actually, I was in the gym recently and I had this thought and I didn't know if it was the lord or myself but I think it was the lord and I thought to myself, I want to live into my one hundreds. And to be honest I I I actually feel like God there's something about longevity that the Lord wants to put back in his people. If this is a crossover era and a Caleb company is rising, come on. Then at eighty, they're going to be like they were at forty. Come on. There's something that God is reviving in these days we haven't seen in a long time. I believe there is a time coming we're going to say you dead at 70 and eighty that's very very young So, if you're in here and you feel like that's old, break away from agreement with that because I actually believe God's saying, I want my people to live longer. I need some salt and light in the earth. Come on. So, I believe that I will be over 100 if the lord should tarry or whatever. Alright. Well, anyway, I saw young and old, older. And I began to know or I said in this dream I said I I began to pray in the dream what my message was supposed to be here. And suddenly I knew that my message had to do with the sign of Jonah. I began to pray and prophesy in the dream about the sign of Jonah. And I began to prophesy and pray and and I declared that the sign of Jonah is all about resurrection power and the restoration of life. Amen. So, I'm going to jump from there and talk about something that happened. And it happened recently and it just captured my heart and here's what it was. It was a dream that I had. Now, in 20 18, Kelly and I and our kids, we moved to Colorado Springs and while we were out there, we met a gentleman and his family and they were missionaries and he ended up I don't know how you say it, getting or contract. I don't know what it is. He he came down with ALS and so he he had that I think when we were there, when we moved there, he'd already had it for about five years and we saw him progressively kind of you know, get worse and worse and I don't know how the disease totally operates but I know it's kind of like you know, eats the muscle away and it's pretty brutal to it's just demonic. You know, I remember early on having some dreams with him and seeing him healed and but we ended up moving away and and I did end up praying. I I felt in my heart to go pray in his house for, I remember weekly for a season of time going to his basement and just pray for him and you know what's interesting is that I mean, there's been several times he's had conversations with his family where he said well I'm I'm probably not going to make it to next Christmas and every year it's passed and he's still making it. But we've not seen we've seen some slowing of that but we've also seen it progress. Anyway, Kelly and I, we ended up moving to Texas in 2021 and we really just lost touch with the family and so I hadn't really thought of em from time to time we'll pray for him and that was about it and then about a week ago, don't have the specific date but about a week ago, I had a dream and in the dream, I walked into this couple's house and when I walked in, I didn't know what was necessarily happening except I saw a huge celebration going on and I looked at the wife and she looked at me and she said, she pointed over and said, you just see Steve and I looked at Steve and Steve was standing up out of his wheelchair completely healed and restored. He came over and picked me up and I bent over and just wept and rejoiced and I went up to the wife and I said, how did this happen? And she said, This happened because he read a book called Peoria. So, the dream ended. Now, I'm from Peoria. And I knew exactly what the lord meant because the native American meaning for the the name Peoria is to dream with the omnipresent one. And the lord said, the reason this man got his breakthrough is because he was willing to dream with me instead of live by his circumstances. He was not bound by the the report of a doctor or a man or or a situation. He had yoked his heart to what I had said and given him dreams. Now, it's just interesting because that was the first dream I had of him in years and I just thought, why am I getting this dream? And I texted him and his wife that day. The wife responded back pretty quick and said, Andrew, you have no idea what this means right now. He's not doing well and I just told our family we probably need to be preparing for his passing. Now, either God is unkind to give a word like that and put a false hope in someone or he's saying, I have something more that you need to see that you don't see. And if you're willing to open up the book called Dream with the Omnipresent One, there is nothing impossible. Nothing impossible for them that believe. You guys with me? I'm shouting but I could just get excited. So, to dream with the omnipresent is to know that He, God, has a will, a word, and a heavenly possibility for every place, situation, and scenario you find yourself. He's already there. Even if you've made your bed in hell. There he is. See, it's possible to dream if your bed is in hell because you don't have to live according to that realm, you get to access a dream realm with the omnipresent one. So, I felt the lord talk to me and said, enter, my people need to understand right now. It's time for them to dream again because unless they learn to dream again, they won't access certain heavenly realms that I've called them to access. So, Ephesians two verse six and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. It's kind of mysterious Isn't it? And yet It's fully truth and a full reality. Even though sometimes we don't try to It remains mystery to a lot of us because we have learned if it's mystery, we don't pursue it. You guys following? Yes sir. But the lord told me one time when I asked him, I said, lord, what does it mean to eat the meat of the word? He said, the meat of the word is mystery. Once you begin to walk with me in the realm of mystery, you begin to find the meat of my word. And I felt like God was saying, heavenly realms are a bit of mystery but you need to know I've given you full right to know the mysteries of the kingdom. So, Ephesians Ephesians one three says this, praise be to the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians three, he seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms. Far above all rule and authority, power, and dominion and every name that is named not only in the present age but also in the one to come. Alright, so what am I saying? I'm saying that we have a dwelling place and a citizenship in heaven and in heavenly realms that's rightfully ours through Jesus Christ that sometimes we don't access but dreams are a gateway to access those heavenly realms. Amen. Now, here's the deal. The new age and witchcraft is also trying to access heavenly realms. The Lord would call those forbidden gates because there's only one door, there's only one gate, his name is Jesus Christ. When you try to go around him, you're a thief. And the lord doesn't take nicely to thieves. So, I do have a point to this message. I'll find it sometimes in this in this talk. But I felt in my heart, Lord, why would you get that? Now, on the day of atonement this year, I delivered this message about accessing heaven's realms through dream gates and on the morning I awoke, from or on the morning I was getting ready to prepare this message in Wisconsin. I woke with a dream and the dream was I saw a young man that I was friends with in college or high school. And I haven't seen him probably since high school. I don't think I've actually talked to him since high school. We were close friends and he was a party animal. He was completely not a believer. Probably the farthest end, the other spectrum of of that but we were friends. And on the morning of the day of atonement, getting ready to to speak this message, I woke with the dream that this man Was trying to call me on the phone and in the dream I was busy. I couldn't take his call but I had a word of knowledge in the dream that he was calling to tell me that he had given his life to Jesus and was radically on fire. So, in the dream, I saw he left a voicemail. I listened to it and it was exactly what my word of knowledge was that sure enough he was telling me, I've given my life to Jesus. I'm on fire for him. Now, this was all a dream but I wake up from that and I'm thinking how bizarre. Lord, Earlier in the week, you gave me the dream about the man in the wheelchair. Who in real life is not out of his wheelchair and yet I'm seeing him on the other side in victory, fully delivered, healed, set free, seeing the disease busted off of him. And now today, as I'm preparing to deliver a message about Dream Gates, I have a dream of this man who to my knowledge is still on this side of the spectrum, whatever you want to call that, he's in darkness. What are you what are you trying to do to me? Why do you play these games, Lord? And I felt like lord says because this is what my people need to start to move into our heavenly realms of miraculous possibilities. Amen. That they can't often see if they're living in this realm. They need to know they're seated in a much higher place far above all principality, all power with me and every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms is theirs to partake of and if you get up where you're seated, you can begin to access it in this earth realm. Amen. Make sense? Yes. I don't shout on the Elijah Stream's episodes. Thought about it a couple times and I'm like, I don't think it's the right setting but this feels like a good setting to shout. So, This is an expert. An excerpt. And I'm I was going to say I'm no expert. This is an excerpt from my book Dreams to Save a Nation. I can't show you it. It's digital. It's Ebook. Yeah. Anybody have it? Yeah. Hey, come on. I'll pray for the rest of you. Just kidding. It's on my website, Vanquish PW. com. Oh, Vanquish PW. com called Dreams to Save a Nation. Oh by the way, the you guys the in-laws have were amazing in helping us get this book rolling and Johnny in law did the forward. Amen. Come on. But I wanted to just pull out just a segment of the introduction that I say here. So, this is from the book. I say this, throughout the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation. A key way that God begins the salvation process for peoples and for nations is through dreams and prophecy. And I say that I'll leave the reader with the joy of scriptural exploration to discover all those specific times and places where God employs this key for humanity but you will be amazed to see from the biblical record that when God sets out to save a nation, he first sends forth his word among them. It suddenly stands up in the valley of the shadow of death, in that place, light suddenly dawns. I In the dark of night, a dream breaks in. In the despair of oppressive conditions, a prophecy is uttered. At the entrance of his word, there is light. When God sends his dreams and prophecies for a nation, the narratives of darkness are met by a superior force, the spirit of prophecy. Prophetic dreams invite us to see and to hear the report of the lord. They contain supernatural possibilities for seemingly impossible situations. Prophetic dreams are invitations for participation. And I say for the purpose of this book, the these dreams are invitations for intercession, decree, and declaration. Dreams and prophecy carry the essence of God's heart and his will for a people and a nation even in spite of their current condition. Dreams and prophecy are containers of grace. They are fuel for fire. They are propellants for perseverance. Dreams are strategic blueprints for victory. Provokers of prayer and weapons for war. So, I wanted to share that. I felt like that captures what I feel like God wants to say about even even why part of why we're here this weekend is I believe he's called us as a company of people, as his Ecclesia to access some heavenly realms that we have right to through Jesus Christ. But he needs us to get into a realm where we can see what we can't see with our own natural eyes. Amen? Go back up You know, I told you that dream I had about On Monday, what's today? Friday. Monday about this meeting and I said it was about this the sign of Jonah and I remembered that on August 1st, I also had a dream, sorry, April 1st, I also had a dream that included the sign of Jonah. And I'm going to share that with you. This was April 1st 20 twenty-four I had this dream. In my dream I was driving to deliver the word of the Lord. In my dream, I never know what that word is often. It just eventually comes but I knew in the dream that I was delivering this word on the day. So listen, on the day before the 20twenty-four elections. On the way to get to the place that I needed to deliver this word, I passed a large building with a sign that simply said, Jonah. At that moment, I knew instinctively that it was referring to the book of Jonah and I had a revelation it was connected to Trump. I knew it was very essential for me to get the word of the lord out about what was ahead so I began to write the word down and I shared in this word what I saw in my previous dream Okay so I didn't share this yet. This was an a heavy night of dreaming. I had two dreams one night. The first dream on April 1st was that I was standing in a mirror, looking at myself in the mirror Not, I wasn't trying to be vain. I don't know what I was doing. Just looking in the mirror, look at myself and behind me was a TV and across the TV, I saw that I had somehow entered. So, as I'm looking into the mirror because of what I saw on the TV, I now knew I was standing in the future and on the TV behind me, as I'm looking in the mirror, the TV behind me said, Donald Trump wins 20twenty-four election. And In the dream, he Trump appears on the TV. As I'm still looking in the mirror, he appears on the TV behind me but as you look in the mirror and he's there, it looks like he's actually in the room with me. So, I was like, good opportunity for a selfie. Try to capture those moments when you can, you know. And I took a selfie and the picture developed like it was like one of those automatic polaroid things. Actually, my daughter thinks that's cool and she has one of those that the old is in again, you know? So, here's the interesting thing is I saw girl or a woman All I knew is I didn't see her face, didn't know who she was. I knew that somehow there was a connection with the media and social media and she attempted to take the picture and sure enough she did take it and I was getting worried because I couldn't find it and I wanted to go look for it and in the dream, it didn't end up with me finding it. However, the spirit of prophecy came on me and I said, even though there's been an attempt to steal this, It's not going to matter. It's not going to matter. And I can't tell you the way I felt in the dream, I knew that I knew it would not matter. Can I just say that? Because I don't know what that all means but it might mean that there might be the appearance of something stolen, taken, lost. I don't know and yet the lord has a higher word about it. I don't care what they say. I don't care what it looks like when this thing and the dust settles, it's not going to matter. That was the first dream on April 1st. The second dream was I was going to deliver the word of the Lord on the day before the elections. You following me? And I began to write down what I was where did it go? I began to write down what I saw in my previous dream about the television headline with Trump as the winner and I wrote down that much of what we had been experiencing for the last four years was for the purpose of awakening. Johnny and Lowe. And I said it was the purpose of awakening and it allowed corruption to surface. I said that this has primed our society to desire and to desire the active reform of systems and structures according to true justice, equity, and righteousness. I continued to write my word down and said that getting Trump back into the presidential position for America would send us into a timeline of blessing as we could never have imagined. I then wrote in the word, Nineveh was doomed without hope. Right. But when the sign of Jonah came forth, they were rescued from destruction. At this point in the dream, I realized I was writing this on social media and I pressed send. You ever pressed something you're like shoot. Actually, true story. Kelly will call me. She's like, I'm experiencing a intense amount of witchcraft. What did you post on social media right now? I'm like, I'll delete it. Okay. Anyway, yeah. So, I pressed send. At that moment, I can't describe fully what happened but this word went out across the airways or airways. How do you say that? To millions of people in moments. It went viral in mere minutes. You know, dreams are cool this way. Sometimes you don't a picture's worth a thousand words, right? Sometimes a feeling the same way. It's like you feel something that's hard to express with words but I'll say it this way, when I saw the word go out. In other words, the word was this, there was a there was a decree of destruction that was coming. But the sign of Jonah came forth. And the word went viral and in the dream, I could see and feel the hope coming back into the people of the United States especially the church. Now, I can't tell you, it's hard to express because we say hope all the time. You need to understand something about what I felt. It felt like something that had been in a coma in death. Suddenly got revived. Shocked back to life. It was like a sense of purpose and destiny a sense of recovered possibility that we never thought possible before. And here's what it was like. It was like we were those who dreamed. Now, the word when I delivered this in Wisconsin. Well, I didn't deliver the sign of Jonah word but I delivered this word about the need to access heavenly realms through dreams. After I preached that message, maybe I'm giving too much details but I went to go use the restroom because I'm human and I'm trying to give you context for what happened. I was going to use the restroom and as I was going to use the restroom, it was like the Holy Spirit arrested me and said, There's a book coming and he gave me the title, We Were Like Those Who Dreamed. And all of a sudden, I'll tell you this, what I felt by the lord in that moment was that this gathering was of a company of people where we would set in motion. We would seal something. We would establish something. That begins the great Exodus out of captivity and a return into a promised land of inheritance and destiny and when the lord restores the fortunes of Zion, we'll be like those who dreamed. That scripture is Psalm one twenty-six one. A song of a sense, when the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Now here's what it's called the Benson commentary. It says this, a this was a restoration so complete, so strange, and unlooked for, brought about at once, without any endeavors used on the side of Israel, seemed in all respects as a dream. And the parties concerned when they saw and heard such things could scarcely believe themselves to be awake. That day is coming. That day is coming. Now, the Hebrew word that's rendered or the Hebrew for the phrase like them that dreamed will be like them that dreamed. That phrase in the Hebrew according to Doctor Hammond, I don't know who Doctor Hammond is but this is what he said. Along with many other expositors translated that phrase, them that dreamed as them that are recovered to health A sense which the word will bear and may be very proper as signifying that that this wonderful change was like unexpected ease after exquisite pain or the recovery of health after a very long and tedious sickness or as life from the dead. Now, I want to say this, Jesus said that a wicked and perverse generation asks for ask for a sign, right? No sign will be given except the sign of Jonah. He's saying, you're looking for some sort of sign but you're dead. The only thing that you need is life from the dead. No sign will do any good for you. You need life from the dead. Jonah was dead. Think about it. He had seaweed wrapped around his neck in a whale. Suffocating on whale slime. I don't know. And he's dying essentially but the lord heard his prayer and spit him out, caused the whale to spit him out. It was life from death. And when Jesus went down in the belly of the earth, After 3 days, the Lord brought him forth. It was life from death. And I believe that we're coming to a time where we're going to have the same sense of life from death. In America But I believe this also. It's not just okay to believe that God God you're going to do it. If you've heard anything that Johnny said for the past 10 years, no, I don't know. We have a responsibility. It's our turn. It's our turn. We're the salt. We're the light. We're the Ecclesia. And so that's why it becomes really important that we break free from the narratives of darkness and the narratives that are oppressing us under a realm that God says you don't live under this realm. You're seated in a in a higher realm far above and dreams are away to begin to capture that that realm, that sight, that view of what he has Quick story. I remember and I'm going somewhere Are y'all following so far? Okay. There was a man. I'm I'm going to do a long story short because it is a long story. But there was a man who was He was a principal of a high school. I don't know if it was a high school or a grade school. Do you remember Kelly? Anyway, he was a principal of a school and every morning, he would get up and pray for the entire school at 430 in the morning. Ain't that awesome? That's that's. Yes. That's rising. That's right. That's all. And I know the devil tried to kill this man. And try to kill him a couple times The most serious time was I got a call from the family and they said, we were in Tennessee and he was on a ride at a amusement park and had a brain aneurysm and he's in the hospital. They had to do some surgery on the brain. He's in a coma and we got we went to prayer. My wife and I and we raised up a team of intercessors and there's a lot of people praying but I took personal interest in this. We did. We really felt like this is a burden to carry the lord and after a his vitals and everything just went down, down, down, down. Now, it was turning into several several weeks being in a coma and the doctors finally called the family and said, you better fly down here because he only has probably twenty-four hours to live and so, One of the things that had happened though a few days prior was that my daughter had a dream and in the dream, she saw this man out of his bed of coma I'll call it his bed of death and that he was fully mobile, alert, awake, and he was eating with his family at a place called Monaco's Pizza. Anybody know Monaco's Pizza? I'd be surprised if there. Midwest here so. Now, we told this to the the mom, the the wife. And she said, well, you know what's crazy about your dream that you guys wouldn't know is that it's been our family tradition for years, every Sunday after church, we go eat Monaco's Pizza together. At that moment, I said, this is more than a dream and a nice wish. God's giving us something to lock our teeth into and say, there's this is a gateway to the heavenly realms to access the miracles that God has available. Amen. I we tried to rally the truth. Who drew a picture of it? Oh yeah, my daughter drew a picture of the dream eating at the Monaco's Pizza, put it in the man's hospital room. Wow. I love that. That's so cool. Now, here's the deal. I don't fault anybody for this because when you look, when you look at the situation, it literally look, I mean, the doctors, you got specialists saying, he won't recover and if by chance, he would miraculously recover, he will be brain dead. And the prophets in the region said we believe the Lord says it's his time. I was like, well, maybe you heard that but I've got a different and a higher word right now. I got a higher revelation than that right now. So, I can't bend to that one. I've gotta bend to this one. Amen? Now, I'll say this is that I don't know how much faith I actually had except I was like, I was like, well God, We owe it. We owe it to you to pursue this revelation even if even if we don't succeed. That's right. You purchased something at the cross for us why should we let that go to waste? We ended up praying for this man and long story short, we get into the hospital room when there's twenty-four hours left supposedly and I'll never forget we were in prayer and I Kelly was in Illinois and I drove down to Tennessee. I asked the family if I could go pray in the hospital room while while Kelly and a team of intercessors were back home praying and as I'm praying over the man, I get a vision of a snake wrapped around his throat and I heard the lord say, cut that thing. Kelly called about five minutes later and said, hey, we were just in prayer. One of our guys here just said there's a snake wrapped around his throat. You need to cut that thing. I said, how do you do that? Well, by faith, you just take the sword of the spirit and there I don't think there's a formula to it but we just in the name of Jesus we sever this serpent this spirit of death whatever this constricting thing is on his life and we cut it off now nothing happened but the only thing that started to happen was I kept getting this vision over and over and over of me whispering to the man putting my hand on his arm whispering the word breakthrough but I didn't want to do it because I thought it looked weird I don't. Anyway, So, I thought, well, what if the doctors and the nurses come in? I don't want to be whispering to this man. I don't know. I don't know. Well, finally, when nothing else works, you just gotta go with God and do the vision. So, finally, when after a couple hours of resisting, just whispered, went over to the man. No one was in the room, whispered or put my hand on his arm and whispered right through and at that moment, the man shoots up out of the bed. And and it begins to fall off the bed and I said, help. Doctors, nurses. They come running in I said, what'd you do? I said, I just whispered. Now, here's what happened. He didn't come out of his coma at that point but I knew power was just loosed and from that moment forward, his vitals completely shifted. He had an accelerated turnaround, came out of the coma and weeks later, we ended up celebrating with the family around the table eating Monaco's pizza. Come on. I learned a lot from that. If I can just say it, everything stood against all hope, in hope, against hope, you just believe. And and that's kind of the posture we took and I learned that there's more power in that than feeling confident. You just stand on God's word regardless of how you feel, regardless of what it looks like and and the warfare going on in your own mind that says, this is ridiculous and I believe that we've come to a point in America and even right now why we're why we are here is because it's time to dream with the omnipresent one for our nation like we've never dreamed before. I believe God is saying, I need my people to come up here with me. I need you to see what I see. I need you to hear what I'm saying and I need your agreement in faith in this hour. I believe this is a moment where the lord is saying, don't let this moment pass you by. Don't strike the arrows only a few times. Get up higher. See what I have to show you about the next several generations of Americans. See what I have to show you about the future of healthcare. See what I have to show you about the future of the media mountain. See what I have to show you. Does this make sense? I mean what what if we begin to see what we think is absolutely impossible right now. I'm not even kidding. I've started to try, try to break every limitation off what I think is possible. For America, for my own life but also for America. How about this? How about we repent of saying, no, that'll never, that'll never. No, let's come out of agreement with that. I want to play a clip which I feel captures in my heart and it it's the Batman clip. By the way, on the way here, I said, Lord, what movie should I watch? I'm glad he said what he said. I felt the pole towards Batman. Specifically the Dark Knight Rises. And and as I'm I didn't know I honestly didn't know why but as I'm watching it and especially one scene the lord said this is the sign of Jonah and this is the word that's going to go viral across America that we were dead but we've been made alive. We've been in we've been in a pit of darkness and death but we've been raised to life. And so I want to play this if you guys have it and the first couple moments of it like there's a little Well, I'll say it this way. The enemy of Batman put him in a pit. Anybody seen Dark Night Rises? Tell the truth. Ooh. If anybody has not seen it, you get your homework assignment. Go watch The Dark Knight. The dark night rises. The dark night was funny anyway. The the portion I want to show up here is that Batman was put in a pit Essentially, he was in his grave. There was no hope or chance of escape. Only one had ever done it. But I felt like God was saying, that what we're what we're witnessing on this video is what we're going to witness and we're going to prophesy across this nation. That the sign of Jonah is going to be seen by a generation. Is going to be seen by a nation. That where there has been death reigning, life is going to reign in its place. Play this clip. Oh, do we have lights? And sound? Okay, pause it. By the way, this part of the movie, he'd gotten to a place. He, the enemy broke his back and threw him in a pit and it was only through an intense passion to persevere and to break forth that he was able to go on. I just felt like there was something prophetic about this image for us. We're good? Can we do, can we turn down the lights at all? And turn up the volume real loud because it's good. You do not fear death. You think this makes you strong? It makes you weak. Why? How can you move faster than possible? Fight longer than possible without the most powerful impulse of this period. The fear of death. This isn't so important but it'll get to it. I fear dying in here. All my city burns. Turn it up a little more. Oh, sorry. Then mega decline. As the child is. Without it all. Then fear would fight you again. Is a jumper without a safety rope. Ah supplies for your journey. Oh that's that's wonderful. That's Is that me? Rise. They're saying a phrase and it means rise. There you go. To really appreciate it, you gotta watch the whole movie, okay? Here's the deal. I I felt something even prophetic watching this take place on the plane and I felt like as he broke through this opening God was saying, this is what I'm talking about. Can we get up higher? Can we access the heavenly realms far above? All principality and power. Can we rise and begin to lay hold of all of that for which Christ has laid hold of us. Amen. In. Stand up with me you guys. Just want to close out just feel like there's a Just a prophetic moment to declare right now over America. Father, I just, I just thank you because you rose from the pit. We also rise with you. I thank you lord that because you overcame death, we overcame death and I thank you lord that when no other sign could rescue a twisted perverse generation, there was sent forth the sign of Jonah. Life from death. Hallelujah. We thank you lord that you were in the belly of the earth for 3 days, three nights and lord, you were raised to life. And we thank you God that just as this world had no hope apart from your sign. Apart from your raising. God we say again America has no hope apart from the sign of Jonah. We pray. We pray from this day forth even from this new season forward that America will behold the sign of Jonah. Yes. That Jesus will be glorified. His death, his burial, and resurrection. We pray resurrection life and power into America. We pray awake, awake, and rise. Awake, awake, and rise. Awake. Awake and rise in Jesus name. In Jesus name. Hallelujah. Amen. Awesome, Andrew. They are opening the doors again at 6 fifteen. The meeting will be our closing meeting will be at seven. That was amazing, Andrew. Do you know what? Am I right? What did your friends call you when you teenager, 20s, Okay, was one of them whales? Yeah. Yeah. Wales. Okay. He was called whales. He's doing this teaching on the sign of Jonah. Andrew Whalen and they called him whales. So anyway. Alright, so you're dismissed and 615 the doors will open and we'll be here at seven o'clock and we're going to have a grand finale with the lord.
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