You MUST Consider This Before Doing Failure Training | Mind Pump 2466

3 months ago

Mind Pump Fit Tip: There are some things you MUST consider when you train to failure, and it's different than some of the other stuff. (2:58)
Super athletes. (15:51)
Setting your kid up for success. (22:43)
Learning how to lose. (26:36)
Stay protected during ‘illness season.’ (33:12)
Take your favorite influencer’s endorsements with a grain of salt. (35:56)
The addictive properties of ultra-processed foods. (39:08)
Sugar restriction and children’s development. (43:34)
Derma rollers work! (49:45)
All worth it. (52:58)
When the white lie is the right answer. (54:38)
Shout out to (56:20)
#ListenerLive question #1 – I developed a big knot in my right upper trap that doesn't seem to go away. Could this be due to incorrect form and the number of shrugs I'm doing with Anabolic? (57:23)
#ListenerLive question #2 – Is it better eating less but higher quality calories than eating more lower quality calories when trying to bulk? (1:12:25)
#ListenerLive question #3 – Do you think my age could be a reason I’m not gaining muscle, or do you think it’s a combination of diet? (1:20:04)
#ListenerLive question #4 – How can I modify MAPS 15 to make it more of a MAPS 30? MAPS 15/Anabolic? (1:31:04)
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Chris Bumstead (@cbum) Instagram
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