Pistelle X-Sixty-Eight is SCARY POWERFUL! (Ban State Tactical)

1 month ago

Welcome back for one more helping of cold pumpkin pie with our final episode of Ban-O-Ween, and this week's non-lethal contestant the Pistelle X-68! Summoned from the depths of the Defensive Innovations' mad scientist laboratory, this "less lethal" C02 launcher really packs a punch when a more traditional "FSD" (freedom seed dispenser) is either not practical or not legal! Gel blocks! Plywood! Coconuts! The Pistelle X sixty-eight smacks them all with ten grams of polymer wrapped steel core justice! But how does this $450 dollar launcher perform straight out of the box? And more importantly, is it enough to answer the 3:00am challenge in states that don't believe in that whole "second amendment" thing?

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