4 months ago



· Indictments Begin: Epstein, JP Morgan, Les Wexner connections to UK Pedophile Ring.

· At the start of the summer military tribunals were happening in the Virgin Islands at the same time the JP Morgan Trial was happening that had connections to the Epstein & CIA Pedophile Ring.

· The military courts were using the public JP Morgan Trial to subpoena World Elites to the courts.

· Behind the scenes Military Tribunals and investigations were taking place. Elites such as Sergey Brin were being debriefed inside the Military Tribunals. And, Elites such as Brin were spilling all the secrets.

· Soon after courts across the World went after the Epstein/JP Morgan/ World Elite Pedophila Rings.

· More indictments began with a lawsuit against Abercrombie & Fitch over ex-CEO’s alleged sex abuse of models and sex trafficking.

· An Abercrombie & Fitch model said that he was forced to perform oral sex in order to land a modeling gig with the fashion brand. He is suing the mall-based teen retailer. David Bradberry filed suit in Manhattan federal court on Friday against Abercrombie, accusing it of enabling former CEO Mike Jeffries to run a sex trafficking operation that is said to have exploited and abused dozens of young men (boys).

· All this begins in the UK as White Hats Military intelligence are working behind the scenes to bring out the pedophile ring and corruption through the UK crime rings.

· It’s reported by several sources that the BBC is being forced by the Military Alliance to start reporting on the pedophile rings.

· The stories and evidence will drop more and more by 2024 and collide with U S. Congressional investigations into the Epstein saga.

· This new indictments and legal action comes in the wake of a damning BBC documentary in which several young men, including Bradberry, came forward with allegations against Jeffries and the company.

· “Abercrombie profited enormously from the over-sexualized exploitation of young men,” Brad Edwards, Bradberry’s attorney who also represented alleged victims of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, told The Journal.

· Mike Jeffries the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch grew up in Los Angeles California and has his deep connections to Les WEXNER, Macy's and JP Morgan subsidiary companies including Epstein.

· It’s been revealed that Macy's was financing trips for Congress and the Senate to go down to Epstein island and have secret meetings.

· Now as we all know that Epstein was controlling a worldwide MASSIVE pedophile blackmail ring and the CIA Mossad financed him. Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was the billionaire superspy for the Mossad MI6 and CIA.

· Now there was major panic in the World as Elites know the Storm is coming closer and the Military Alliance is pushing World Governments for indictments against Epstein and JP Morgan Associates.

· This was all leading to a massive exposure of a Worldwide Pedophile Ring connected to Military Intelligence agencies and Elite government officials – a collision course on the way that will connect with Congress going after the Epstein files.

· Musk will drop the massive story direct to the World.

· A picture was being painted for the Story of the Century: a World Pedophile Ring connected to World Banks, Deep State Military Intelligence, World Elites, Presidents, Governments, Hollywood and the World’s Entertainment Industry.

Your Choice to Know👉 As reported previously, White Hats arrested Smith in July when Judge Aileen Canon discharged the bogus federal charges the Department of Injustice had leveled against Trump. An obstinate Smith was put in shackles and eventually flown to GITMO, where he, unsurprisingly, resisted JAG’s efforts to interrogate him. He would only invoke the familiar Deep State mantra of “I was just following orders” and “I was doing my job,” holding himself blameless for any hardships Trump faced from the investigation.                                                                                                                                             

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