Barbara O'Neill: Oxygen, Water, Celtic Sea Salt, This Hydration Mistake Kill You!

3 months ago

Are you dealing with dehydration, fatigue, or the effects of premature aging?

Kim Osbøl's & Dr Tom Cowan's Water Filtering and Vortex Structuring Routine! [09.03.2023]
How to Filter and Vortex your water for Poor People... Like me! (incl links and info)

My shared Barbara O'Neill videos, Showing 10 of 95 matches, most viewed:

Health expert Barbara O'Neill uncovers her revolutionary approach to hydration, offering insights that can boost your energy, sharpen your mind, and promote longevity.

Simply drinking more water isn’t the answer.

She explains the crucial role that natural salts, like Himalayan or Celtic salt, play in helping your cells absorb and utilize water effectively.

Barbara introduces her tried-and-true method: adding a small crystal of salt to each glass of water. You’ll discover the optimal amounts and how to time your water intake throughout the day for the best hydration results.

"There are no specific DIS-'EASES' only specific DIS-'EASE' conditions!

ALL DIS-'EASES', at some period or other of its course, is more or less a reparative process,
not necessarily accompanied with suffering: an effort of nature to remedy a process of
poisoning or of decay, which has taken place weeks, months, sometimes years beforehand, unnoticed."
~ Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)

"It is more important to know what sort of person has a dis-'ease' than to know what sort of disease a person has." - Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

'Viruses' has NEVER been 'isolated' and does NOT Exists!

Documented and Confirmed!

- All Dis-'eases' are Poisoning!
- 'Viruses' are simply excretions of a toxic cell.
- 'Viruses' happen when the Cell is poisoned.
- We are all being poisoned slowly daily.
- You are what you drink, eat and think and what you are 'exposed' to (EMF, 4/5G, WIFI etc)
- You body are a self-healing machine who detox itself.

TERRAIN The Film Part 1 & 2. (No Commercials & Advert, Reloaded) [15.02.2022]

Healthy Peak
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831,531 views Aug 21, 2024

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