When Drunk People Get Arrested for their Crazy Behavior

4 months ago

10:07 PM
You just never know how a drunk person is going to react - especially when dealing with the cops. You won’t believe the crazy behavior that some people exhibit that gets them in trouble with the law. Here are four drunk people who got themselves arrested for letting the alcohol get the best

On March 7, 2021, a 19-year-old individual was involved in a high-speed vehicle accident in a residential area while under the influence. The incident led to a felony charge for endangering safety recklessly and multiple misdemeanors related to repeat offenses of drunk driving and operating a vehicle with a revoked license.

On June 11, 2022, in La Crosse, WI, police officers encountered a situation where a group of intoxicated individuals reported an aggressive encounter with a man who had fled the scene. The suspect was later found in an alleyway, displaying signs of heavy intoxication.

On January 19, 2023, in North Fond du Lac, WI, a law enforcement officer stopped a vehicle that was being driven without a front tire. The driver, who had a recent history of impaired driving, was suspected of being under the influence again and resisted arrest, causing a disturbance during the process.

On May 4, 2022, in Clarno, WI, deputies were called to address a disturbance caused by a highly intoxicated individual who mistook a residence for a bar and exhibited aggressive behavior. The situation required additional law enforcement assistance, and the individual continued to be disruptive for several hours, challenging the patience of the deputies involved.

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