Honor Our Veterans in the War Against World Government

1 month ago

Honor Our Veterans in the War Against World Government

Today a grateful nation honors the service of its military veterans. While they all deserve our appreciation, I want to pay special tribute to some of our most unsung heroes.

The Biden administration forced servicemen and women to submit to what turns out to have been an unapproved, experimental and dangerous COVID-19 gene therapy, not an authorized, effective and safe one. That made the order to “take the jab” unlawful.

Many thousands – including large numbers of our special operators and other superb warriors – refused to follow that illegal order, most on the basis of religious objections. Typically, their requests for exemptions were rejected and they were discharged, dishonorably or otherwise, their careers terminated prematurely, their reputations damaged, their post-service employment opportunities jeopardized.

Despite court rulings aimed at correcting this outrageous abuse of power by the Pentagon leadership, some of these veterans still await justice, including those represented by my friends at the American Freedom Law Center.

And today, the Director General of the World Health Organization – whose terrible prescriptions during the COVID pandemic were substantially responsible for the mandatory so-called “vaccines” – is expected today to announce yet another bid for enhanced power and world government.

Our veterans who have effectively served, and certainly suffered, in the war for our sovereignty and medical freedoms deserve our special appreciation and strong support on this Veterans Day – and in the forthcoming administration committed to making America healthy again and rejecting the WHO’s and other globalists’ toxic agendas.

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