Poll Worker Statement via John Cullen-MARICOPA removed TABULATED BALLOTS thru Side Door TO KEEP SEAL

3 months ago

No mystery here, they're keeping the seal on because they're going to swap those ballots somewhere with fewer eyes and rig the seals back on, which are there to attest to how many ballots were scanned. Intact seals show no one ADDED, REMOVED OR TAMPERED with the ballots in the container: Chain of Custody. So, EDB's "ELECTION DAY BALLOTS" were obviously swapped out somewhere or just burned, if witness is legit. But being EDB's, the votes had already been tabulated when the ballot was run. This would almost certainly mean they altered the votes Database in the EMS "Election Management System" then tampered with the paper ballots to make them match. The EMS can be altered by CISA through the Albert Sensors, SoS office through B-Pro, or any hacker in the world who knows the DVSCorp08! password; however, if it was done by Maricopa County themselves, it would likely be done using the MICROSOFT SQL DATABASE software, which ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT BE THERE BUT IS: SEE MESA 2 REPORT/ GOULD

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