Episode 153: The Truth about EV Costs: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, Pt1

3 months ago

Electric vehicles. Conventionally fueled vehicles. Hybrids. On The Fleet Success Show, Josh Turley and Marc Canton have talked about them all. In this episode, they’re diving into the raw numbers to show you the (not always beautiful) truth about the costs of EVs.

Josh and Marc dispel the myths around assumed cost savings when switching from fueled vehicles to electric to give fleet managers the data they need to make decisions with their eyes wide open. Pulling information from places like KBB, Edmunds, and the EPA, Josh and Marc compare conventionally fueled vehicles (CFVs) to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs).

Watch the episode to get surprising insights into:
- Depreciation values over time
- Fuel/electricity costs
- M&R costs
- and more

Watch the full episode now, and stay tuned for part 2!

Want to learn more about EVs? Check out our other episodes on the topic:
- The Truth about EVs from a Fleet Expert and EV Owner - https://youtu.be/xrLwLf0NM0c
- The Truth about EVs pt 2: The Hosts Read the Comments - https://youtu.be/wWHPsutexbo

Need help getting your fleet EV ready? Visit https://rtafleet.com/solutions/consulting and schedule a consultation with our fleet experts.

#podcast #evs #electricvehicle

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